jmandel / bing-chat-bookmarklet

Bookmarklet to copy conversation from bing chat

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Bing Chat Session Saver Bookmarklet

This bookmarklet allows you to save a copy of a Bing Chat session by opening the chat content in a new window. You can then view, save or share the content as needed.

How to use

  1. Copy the code block below and paste into a new browser bookmark named "Bing Chat Session Saver Bookmarklet".
  2. Visit a Bing Chat page where you want to save the chat session.
  3. Click on the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar to run the script.
  4. A new window or tab will open, displaying the chat session content in a nicely formatted HTML document.
  5. You can now save the content or copy to your clipboard

Code explanation

The bookmarklet code does the following:

  • It uses the querySelectorDeepMulti function to traverse the shadow DOM and find the chat turn elements.
  • The createHTMLBlob function concatenates the chat turn elements' outerHTML into a single HTML string, wraps it in a valid HTML structure with a title and a basic style for readability, and creates a Blob from the resulting HTML content.
  • The openBlobInNewTab function creates a Blob URL and opens it in a new tab or window, displaying the chat session content.
  • The code is wrapped in an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) to avoid polluting the global namespace.


If you wish to customize the appearance of the saved chat session, you can modify the CSS styles in the createHTMLBlob function. Simply edit the content within the <style> tags to change the styling of the chat messages or other elements.


This bookmarklet is provided as-is and without any warranties. Use it at your own risk. Always ensure you have permission to save and share chat content from any platform or service.

javascript:(function () {
  function createHTMLBlob(turns) {
    const turnsHTML = => turn.outerHTML).join("\n");
    const htmlContent = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Chat Turns</title>
  <style>div.text-message-content { background: lightblue;}</style>
    const blob = new Blob([htmlContent], {
      type: "text/html",
    return blob;

  function querySelectorDeepMulti(selectors, node = document) {
    const selector = selectors[0];
    const remainingSelectors = selectors.slice(1);

    const foundElements = Array.from(node.querySelectorAll(selector));
    if (remainingSelectors.length === 0) {
      return foundElements;
    return foundElements.flatMap((e) =>
      querySelectorDeepMulti(remainingSelectors, e.shadowRoot)

    return null;

  function openBlobInNewTab(blob) {
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);, "_blank");

  const turns = querySelectorDeepMulti([
    "cib-shared div.content",
  const htmlBlob = createHTMLBlob(turns);


Bookmarklet to copy conversation from bing chat