jmahmood / mei-s-git-tutorial

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Mei's Git Tutorial


Have you ever written something, edited it, and realized that the old version was better?

Thankfully the "undo" button exists, but it isn't perfect. You might have shut off the computer and turned it on; no undo function would be available.

Microsoft Word has a "Version History" feature that lets you view and load older versions of your saved document. This is even better.

However, what if you are experimenting and want to try different ideas out? You can try things like having multiple files, but this gets hard to manage.

This gets much worse when you try to write something with a friend.[1] You might decide to take the story in one direction, while your friend chooses another. How are you going to merge these two versions of the story together?

In the IT world, we use a program called "git" to handle problems like this.

Git is a "Version Control System" and is used to help people keep track of changes to a system. It can help you see old version of your document, and allow you to try out new things on different versions without modifying your main version (the "Master branch") of your work.

You can use Linux on nearly any system available today; Windows, MacOS, Linux, and BSD all have versions that you can use.

Our job is going to be learn git - today.




まだ諦めちゃだめ。Microsoft Wordを使っているなら「バージョン履歴」という機能があり、保存された文書の古いバージョンを表示して読み込むことができます。うえぃ、元に戻されました!


友人と何かを書くとき、さらに問題は悪化します。[1] あなたは物語を一方向に進めるかもしれませんが、友人は別の方向を選ぶかもしれません。これら二つのバージョンの物語をどうやって一つに統合しますか?





[1] Communicating with a lot of people is a very hard problem. There is an unrelated classic book about this called "The Mythical Man-Month" that was written in 1975. While it does not deal directly with version control, you might find it helpful to read when you decide to manage projects.

Install git NOW

I assume you are on Windows. This will require some extra work to use for work, but it's fine for when you are starting out. One day you may decide to graduate to a Linux system which will – ironically – make the process easier.

Microsoft offers a step-by-step tutorial to install Windows Subsystem for Linux. This is a must. WSL2 is used by nearly everyone; only highly experienced grey beards (experienced older developers) and developers with very specific circumstances do not use WSL2.

Next you are going to have to install your development environment tools. Again, Microsoft has a tutorial for you. This will install Ubuntu which is fine. Ignore the part about other distributions for now.

A few notes about the instructions:

  • It is also going to ask you to install a "code editor"; for the time being, use the free Visual Studio Code. In the future, you are going to learn about the many options you have [2].
  • Docker is also mentioned; install it. It’s not immediately necessary, but it will be beneficial later.
  • You don't have to worry about databases yet, or about GPU acceleration.
  • You should learn the WSL commmands, but we will discuss those later.

Finally, you can install Git using the tutorial here. You can ignore anything that suggests you make a Github account; Microsoft owns Github now (so of course they would tell you to get an account). You also can ignore the part about Git Credential Manager, it has nothing to do with your work for now.


Windowsを使用していると思います。仕事に使用する際に少し手間がかかりますが、初心者として大丈夫です。 いつかWindowsを卒業し、MacやLinuxを利用するとプロセスがより簡単になります。

MicrosoftはWindows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)をインストールするためのステップバイステップのチュートリアルを提供しています。 これは必須です。ほとんどの開発者はWSL2を使用します。(非常に経験豊富な古参の開発者(グレイビアード)や特定の状況にある開発者は例外です)。



-コードエディタのインストールを求められますが、当面は無料のVisual Studio Codeを使用してください。将来的にはさまざまな選択肢があることを学びます。[2]

  • Dockerについても言及されていますが、インストールしてください。すぐに必要というわけではありませんが、後で役立ちます。
  • まだデータベースやGPUアクセラレーションについて心配する必要はありません。
  • WSLコマンドについては学ぶ必要がありますが、それについては後で詳しく説明します。

最後に、こちらのチュートリアルを使用してGitをインストールできます。GitHubアカウントを作成するように提案されても無視してください。 (MicrosoftがGitHubを所有しているため、アカウントを取得するように勧めるのは当然のことです。)また、Git Credential Managerについても、今のところあなたの仕事には関係ないので無視してください。

[2] If someone ever suggests you should install Eclipse, nod politely; however please note that the suggestions makes them untrustworthy. もし誰かがEclipseのインストールを勧めたら、礼儀正しく反応してください。しかし、その提案をする人は信頼できないことを覚えておいてください。

My First Git

There are many common myths about Git. It is not only for programming, and you do not need an account on any service; you can use Git on your own computer.

Let's start by creating a text file. You can do this using Notepad or tools such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text.[3]

Let's save it to a new directory inside of the Documents directory. When saving, you need to create a new directory. Let's call that directory "MeiProject1". Create a file inside called "test.txt", and put in the following text.

Hello World: Version 1

You can now save it.

Now that you have saved the file, you need to go to the directory.

From the Windows Menu, select "WSL" or "Ubuntu" (or whatever your WSL distribution is named). If you don't see it, type it in the search bar.

When the WSL terminal opens, you need to navigate to the directory where you saved your file. You can do this using the cd command, which stands for "change directory."

First, navigate to the Windows file system. Typically, your Windows files are located in /mnt/c/Users/<YourUsername>/Documents. You can replace <YourUsername> with your actual Windows username. For example:

cd /mnt/c/Users/<YourUsername>/Documents/MeiProject1

This command will change your current directory to the "MeiProject1" directory inside your "Documents" folder.

Now that you are in the correct directory, we need to initialize a Git repository.

What is a Git Repository?

Think of a Git repository like a special notebook where you keep track of all the changes to your documents. Just like you might use different sections of a notebook to write drafts and final versions of a story, a Git repository helps you keep track of different versions of your files. You can think of the initial setup as creating a new, empty notebook.

To initialize (or set up) a new Git repository, type the following command:

git init

This command will create an empty Git repository in the "MeiProject1" directory. It's like opening a new notebook where you can start recording changes to your files.

Staging and Committing Files

Next, let's add your text file to the repository. Type the following command:

git add test.txt

Adding a file to the repository using git add stages the file. Staging is like putting a sticky note on the page of your notebook to mark it for future reference. The file is now ready to be committed.

Committing is like writing an entry in the table of contents of your notebook, noting what changes were made and when. This way, you can easily find and refer back to specific changes later.

To save the current state of your files in the repository, you need to commit them. Type the following command:

git commit -m "Initial commit with test.txt"

The -m flag allows you to include a message with your commit. This message should describe what changes are included in this commit. Here, we’ve used "Initial commit with test.txt" as our message.


Now, let's create a new branch. Branches in Git allow you to work on different versions of a project simultaneously. Think of a branch as a separate section of your notebook where you can experiment with new ideas without changing the original story. Type the following command to create a new branch called "new-feature":

git branch new-feature

To switch to this new branch, type the following command:

git checkout new-feature

Now you are on the "new-feature" branch. Let's make a change to the test.txt file. Open test.txt in your text editor, change the text to the following, and save it:

Hello World: Version 2

After saving the file, add and commit the change:

git add test.txt
git commit -m "Updated to Version 2"

Now let's switch back to the main branch to see the difference. Type the following command to switch back to the main branch:

git checkout main

To see the difference between the versions of the test.txt file in the "main" and "new-feature" branches, use the following command:

git diff new-feature test.txt

This command will show you the differences between the test.txt file in the "new-feature" branch and the test.txt file in the current branch (which is "main"). It's like comparing the drafts of your story in different sections of your notebook.

Congratulations! You have successfully:

  • Created a Git repository.
  • Added files using git add.
  • Committed files using git commit.
  • Created a branch using git branch.
  • Switched branches using git checkout.
  • Seen the difference between files in different branches using git diff.

Feel free to experiment more with Git and see what else you can do!

[3] Mind you, you should not use Microsoft Word. Without getting into too much detail, Word can save in formats such as .doc (which is a binary format) and .docx (which is based on XML, which introduces complexity). Use a plain text editor, you will be happier.



まず、テキストファイルを作成しましょう。これにはメモ帳や、Notepad++、Sublime Textなどのツールを使用できます。[3]


Hello World: Version 1






cd /mnt/c/Users/MeiComputerUser/Documents/MeiProject1






git init




git add test.txt

ファイルをリポジトリに追加するには、git addを使用してファイルをステージングします(要するに、準備段階状況にする)。ステージングは、将来参照するためにノートのページに付箋を貼るようなものです。




git commit -m "test.txtを含む初期コミット"




git branch new-feature


git checkout new-feature


Hello World: Version 2


git add test.txt
git commit -m "Updated to Version 2"


git checkout main

"main"ブランチと "new-feature"ブランチの test.txt ファイルのバージョンの違いを確認するには、次のコマンドを使用します。

git diff new-feature test.txt

このコマンドは、「new-feature」ブランチの test.txt ファイルと現在のブランチ(「main」)の test.txt ファイルの違いを表示します。これは、ノートの異なるセクションにある物語の草稿を比較するようなものです。


  • Gitリポジトリ(保管庫)を作成しました。
  • git add を使用してファイルを追加しました(ステージング)。
  • git commit を使用してファイルをコミット(確定)しました。
  • git branch を使用してブランチ(枝分かれ)を作成しました。
  • git checkout を使用してブランチ(切り替え)をしました。
  • git diff を使用して異なるブランチのファイルの違い(差分)を確認しました。


[3] マイクロソフトワードは使用しないでください。詳しく説明しませんが、Wordは.doc(バイナリ形式)や.docx(XMLベースで、複雑さを導入します)などの形式で保存できます。プレーンテキストエディタを使用すると、より幸せになります。
