jm90m / WebStorm-Settings

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WebStorm Tips & Tricks

So after spending my entire undergraduate programming in Java and using Eclipse IDE, I became accustomed to all of the hotkeys in eclipse. I kept the useful keybindings in Eclipse and adopted it into WebStorm. I also found a few helpful plugins in WebStorm that I used in alphabetizing and incrementing selected lines. You can download my settings in this repo. To import my settings go into WebStorm and navigate to File > Import Settings

Here are some useful keybindings:

Navigating/Searching for a file — Keybound to: CMD + SHIFT + R

searching for a file

Going into a function/any text and finding the original source: (This is extremely useful when I have a bunch of import statements and I want to quickly navigate to the source file) — Keybound to:F3

navigate to file

Auto Format File (Highlight the lines you want to format then press the keybinding) — Keybound to: CMD + SHIFT + F

  • For better formatting checkout my guide on adding Prettier to WebStorm: here

Alphabetize Lines, first you’re going to need to import the plugin (To do that in WebStorm, navigate to Preferences > Plugins > Browse Repositories and search for Line Sorter) — Keybound to: CTRL + SHIFT + L

alphabetize alphabetize gif

Incrementing selected lines, you’re going to need to import the plugin String Manipulation — Keybound to: CMD + SHIFT + I


Search for string in entire project - Keybound to: Ctrl + H

Jump to line - Keybound to: Ctrl + L
