jlund / ansible-serverdensity

Ansible playbook to automatically deploy the Server Density agent, and start monitoring. https://www.serverdensity.com

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Ansible playbook for automatically deploying the Server Density agent.


Ansible >= 1.8


  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • Redhat/CentOS


This playbook will install the Server Density agent, allowing for custom configuration and server grouping.

Required Setup

Create an API token using these directions https://apidocs.serverdensity.com/#authentication

Edit the following files.

  • roles/serverdensity/vars/main.yml
  • inventories/hosts
  • serverdensity.yml

Configuration Examples

There are many different ways to set or overwrite Ansible varabiles. These are only a few examples. For more information about setting varaibles, read the official Ansible Documentation.

Example Ansible command: ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts serverdensity.yml

Example: Setting group_name via inventories/hosts file

hostname ansible_ssh_host=ip_of_host

Example: Setting group_name via role parameter

- hosts: development
  gather_facts: yes
  sudo: yes
    - { role: serverdensity, group_name: "development_servers" }

Example: Setting group_name and other varaibles via playbook vars

- hosts: development
  gather_facts: yes
  sudo: yes
    group_name: "development_servers"
    mysql_server: "localhost"
    mysql_user: "root"
    mysql_pass: "password"
    - serverdensity

Default variables

You are not requried to update these variables in order to get the Server Density agent running. You can however overwrite these variables in your playbook should you choose to do so.

group_name: "ungrouped"
plugin_directory: ""
apache_status_url: "http://www.example.com/server-status/?auto"
fpm_status_url: ""
mongodb_server: ""
mongodb_dbstats: "no"
mongodb_replset: "no"
mysql_server: ""
mysql_user: ""
mysql_pass: ""
nginx_status_url: "http://www.example.com/nginx_status"
rabbitmq_status_url: "http://www.example.com:55672/json"
rabbitmq_user: "guest"
rabbitmq_pass: "guest"
tmp_directory: ""
pidfile_directory: ""
logging_level: ""

Default variable descriptions

  • group_name - Sets the group name
  • plugin_directory: - Sets the directory the agent looks for plugins, if left blank it is ignored
  • apache_status_url: - URL to get the Apache2 status page from (e.g. mod_status)
  • apache_status_user: - Username to authenticate to the Apache2 status page, required if apache_status_url is set
  • apache_status_pass: - Password to authenticate to the Apache2 status page, required if apache_status_url is set
  • fpm_status_url: - URL to get the PHP-FPM status page from, disabled if not set
  • mongodb_server: - Server to get MongoDB status monitoring from, this takes a full MongoDB connection URI so you can set username/password etc. details here if needed, disabled if not set
  • mongodb_dbstats: - Enables MongoDB stats if yes and mongodb_server is set
  • mongodb_replset: - Enables MongoDB replset stats if yes and mongodb_server is set
  • mysql_server: - Server to get MySQL status monitoring from, disabled if not set
  • mysql_user: - Username to authenticate to MySQL, required if mysql_server is set
  • mysql_pass: - Password to authenticate to MySQL, required if mysql_server is set
  • nginx_status_url: - URL to get th Nginx status page from
  • rabbitmq_status_url: - URL to get the RabbitMQ status from via HTTP management API
  • rabbitmq_user: - Username to authenticate to the RabbitMQ management API, required if rabbitmq_status_url is set
  • rabbitmq_pass: - Password to authenticate to the RabbitMQ management API, required if rabbitmq_status_url is set
  • tmp_directory: - Override where the agent stores temporary files, system default tmp will be used if not set
  • pidfile_directory: - Override where the agent stores it's PID file, temp dir (above or system default) is used if not set


Ansible playbook to automatically deploy the Server Density agent, and start monitoring. https://www.serverdensity.com