James E Lovejoy's repositories
This is a website that can search movies, books, and video games to find like material.
This app is an E-learning platform. There are two types of users: student & teachers. After login user is directed to a dashboard that renders the classes a user teaches and is a student in. Each classroom has its own individual page with the ability to add announcements and assignments to it as well as a gradebook that the teacher can only access. The full database of classes can be searched based on various search criteria.
A Fullstack React App with Node, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo, and MongoDB
This is a version of my portfolio using Redux and a Custom WebPack in order to optimize performance.
Mongo, Mongoose, Service-Workers, PWA, Caching, NoSQL, Express, Node
This app is a weather dashboard that allows a user to search cities and look up the current weather and 5 day forecast. Stores the cities searched.
This app is an interactive day calendar that allows user to enter events for the day in a given hour block. The calendar hour-blocks will change color as they enter the past.
This was created as Homework 4. It is a trivia quiz that tests ones coding knowledge!
The goal of this repository is to create a website application that can generate a randomized password for user.
This Porfolio is being created as homework 1 assignment in my coding bootcamp with NorthWestern University.