jlin-vt / STAT3704

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STAT 3704: Statistics for Engineering Applications (Fall 2018)

Course Description

This class offers an introduction to statistical methodology with an emphasis on engineering experimentation: probability distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, and analysis of variance. The intent of this course is to provide the student with a foundation of basic statistical tools and prepare the student for understanding statistical methods in the future. The emphasis in the course will be on the application of statistical methods and interpretation of their results. This will be a fairly fast-paced class so I recommend that you make every effort to stay with or ahead of the material. With that in mind, I encourage you to approach me in regards to any questions or problems you may have. Only one of the following statistics courses may be taken for credit: 3704, 4604, 4705, and 4714.


  • Name: Jiali Lin
  • Class: MW 9:05 – 9:55; Torg 1010
  • Office: Hutcheson 403K
  • Email: jiali@vt.edu
  • Office Hours: MW 12:30-1:30, TR 11-12:30 and by appointment


  • Text: Vining, Geoffrey & Kowalski, Scott M. (2011). Statistical Methods for Engineers (3rd ed.). Brooks/Cole. (Emphasis on Chapters 1-9.)

  • Software: A complete statistical package is needed – either Minitab or JMP. A free, full version of JMP is available through Virginia Tech at: https://www.ita.vt.edu/ Apps/WebObjects/NetSoftware. A full version of Minitab is available by visiting http://vt.e-academy.com. A 1-year (approximate) license costs $29.99 and a 30 day trail is available for free.

  • Calculator: A basic scientific calculator with statistical functions will be needed. TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 Plus calculators are preferred and allowed for exams as long as the memory of the calculator is cleared before each exam.

  • Scholar: https://scholar.vt.edu/portal Assignments, announcements, lecture notes, etc. will be posted here.


Grading for this course will be conducted on the standard 10 point scale, with plusses/minuses assigned when appropriate. The grading breakdown is as follows:

  • Homework/Quizzes: 25%
  • Exam 1: 20%
  • Exam 2: 20%
  • Final: 35%


Homework will be assigned, and due, on a regular basis. Due dates may vary, but will be announced in class as well as posted on Scholar with the assignment. Solutions will typically be provided. Some guidelines for homework are as follows:

  1. Late homework will not be accepted, no exceptions.
  2. Your lowest homework or quiz grade will be dropped.
  3. For the homework problems, you may work with others but you must submit your own answers. If cheating is suspected, then all materials will be submitted to the Honor Court.
  4. Work must be shown in order to receive credit and an appropriate software package must be used where appropriate.
  5. All problems on some homework sets may not be graded. You are responsible for checking your answers with posted solutions on Scholar.
  6. The solutions found on Scholar are the level of work expected for the class.
  7. From the day the homework grades are posted, you have one week to dispute the grade – please talk to the grader first before contacting me.
  8. Homework problems should be compiled in the correct order i.e. don't put problem one last.
  9. Staple multiple pages together.
  10. Put your name on it! If we don't know whose work it is, we can't give you a grade.
  11. The paper must be without ragged edges.


From time to time we may have announced or unannounced quizzes in class or on Scholar. They will be on any material covered to date, including assigned reading. Along these lines, attendance is not required per se, but it will be your loss if you miss an unannounced quiz.


There will be two exams during the course of the semester. The exams are closed book and closed notes. The dates will be announced in class, at least one week in advance. There are no make-up exams unless I receive a letter from the dean of your college indicating you have an approved reason for missing the scheduled exam date. Tentative dates are as follows:

  • Exam 1 – Wednesday, March 2nd
  • Exam 2 – Wednesday, April 13th

The final is comprehensive, closed book and closed notes. It is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th from 7:45 AM – 9:45 AM (Sorry!).

Special Requests

If for any reason you need special considerations please let me know as soon as possible. We can work together to make sure your needs are met. All requests must be approved by the university. Feel free to visit www.ssd.vt.edu for additional info.

Honor Code

The Virginia Tech Honor Code will be strictly enforced in this course. All graded assignments must be composed of your own work. More information about the Honor Code can be found at www.honorsystem.vt.edu.

All dates and policies are subject to adjustment as the class progresses. In such instances, I will give you sufficient notice.
