jlegas / OLED_I2C

128x64 pixel OLED display library based on the SSD1306 for ARduino / ChipKit / PIC32-PINGUINO

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128x64 pixel OLED display library based on the SSD1306 for Arduino / ChipKit / PIC32-PINGUINO connected via I2C.

Modified to work with PIC32-Pinguino based on Microchip's PIC32MX440F256H microcontroller, works fine with UECIDE: working setup

Original source: http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/library.php?id=79


128x64 pixel OLED display library based on the SSD1306 for ARduino / ChipKit / PIC32-PINGUINO


Language:C++ 51.1%Language:C 48.9%