jkopriva / rsp-client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status A simple client for the Runtime Server Protocol (RSP) written in typescript.

Implements the API described here and here.

See the RSP repo for further details about RSP.


npm i rsp-client


Basic "short" usage example, for full list of available methods, see usage.

import { RSPClient, Protocol, ServerState } from "rsp-client";

// Use the host and port your RSP server is running on
const client = new RSPClient('localhost', 27511);

// Initiate the connection
await client.connect();

// Find suitable server in a directory and use the serverBeans to create a server called myServer
const serverBeans = await client.findServerBeans('path/to/your/server/root');
const serverHandle = await client.createServerSync(serverBeans[0], 'myServer');

// Alternatively, one can create a server directly from a path
const handle = await client.createServerSync('path/to/server', 'server');

// All 'sync' methods have an async alternative, in order to see when it completes, subscribe to the appropriate event
client.onServerAdded((handle) => {
    console.log(`Server ${handle.id} created`);
await client.createServerAsync('path/to/server', 'server');

// Starting a server:
// subscribe to the server producing output
client.onServerOutputAppended((output) => {

// subscribe to server state changes to see when it started/stopped
client.onServerStateChange((state) => {
    console.log(`Server state code is ${state.state}`);
    if (state.state === ServerState.STARTED) {
        console.log('Server started');
    } else if (state.state === ServerState.STOPPED) {
        console.log('Server stopped');

// get the starting parameters, we are using the normal run mode here
const attributes = await client.getServerRequiredLaunchAttributes({id: handle.id, mode: 'run'});
const params: Protocol.LaunchParameters = {
    mode: 'run',
    params: {
        id: handle.id,
        serverType: handle.type.id,
        attributes: attributes

// finally start the server
await client.startServerAsync(params);

// Stopping a server, use force at your will
await client.stopServerAsync({ id: handle.id, force: false });

// When all is done you can disconnect the client
// or even shut down the entire RSP server instead - don't use disconnect in this case

Running unit tests

Unit tests are located in test. To run all unit tests:

npm run test


To publish our module, run the command

npm publish


npm run build


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%