Web: http://www.pm.org Support: support@pm.org Version control: https://github.com/perlorg/www.pm.org/ Admin notes: https://github.com/jhannah/jays.net/blob/master/archives/2012/mediawiki/PerlMongersAdministration.mw (yup, this is a mess. --jhannah) Directory layout is as follows: bin/ contains programs to build the site etc. lib/ contains Template Toolkit templates src/ contains the actual text of the site www/ the output goes here To build the site, run "bin/xml" from this directory. What this does is it takes the source files from src/ applies any templates to them (from lib/), and writes the output to the www/ directory. Now have a look at the www directory - it contains the site! lib/layout is the template which is applied to every page. ----------------------------------- ADMINISTRATOR NOTE: If you're a www.pm.org admin, then your local www directory is a symlink into a WebDAV mount of https://groups.pm.org/admin/. For example, in OS X: ln -s /Volumes/admin/groups/www www At that point, when you run "bin/xml" you're publishing the output directly to www.pm.org. ----------------------------------- In Linux, to upload files use the following commands: $ cadaver https://groups.pm.org/admin/groups/www/groups type in username/password dav:/admin/groups/www> lcd www/groups dav:/admin/groups/www> put 121.html dav:/admin/groups/www> exit Note: whenever you refer to a page on our site inside a template, please use the following mechanism, which changes the link to a relative one so that we can build the site anywhere we want: See [% link_to("foo.html", "the best foo") %]. Coordinate converter: http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/DDDMMSS-decimal.html ##### To tidy the xml file run the following: /usr/bin/tidy -utf8 -xml -i -o perl_mongers.xml perl_mongers.xml ##### To get coordinates of a street address you can use: http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html ############## Trying to describe the meaning of each field: email has 4 types personal (of a tsar) group list (of mailing_list) list_admin (of mailing_list) social networks: <meetup>http://www.meetup.com/The-New-York-Perl-Meetup-Group/</meetup> <linkedin>http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=684</linkedin> <facebook>http://www.facebook.com/Israeli.Perl.Mongers</facebook> <googleplus>https://plus.google.com/105209189901369984525</googleplus> <twitter>https://twitter.com/perlweekly</twitter>