jjwall / sequelizedBurger

Simple web app for MySQL CRUD, sequelize and heroku deployment practice!

Home Page:https://thawing-meadow-57480.herokuapp.com/burgers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Go to localhost:8080/burgers to see full DB of burgers, buttons will redirect where they need to from there

Simple web app that lets you create a burger, eat it, and then throw it away. I use MySQL queries: READ to list out the burgers, CREATE, to be able to make a burger, UPDATE to be able to eat the burger, and DELETE to "throw the wrappers away." Notable technology used is sequelized to model my MySQL database structure.


Simple web app for MySQL CRUD, sequelize and heroku deployment practice!



Language:JavaScript 60.6%Language:HTML 24.9%Language:CSS 10.9%Language:TSQL 3.6%