jjuliano / sensible.emacs.d

Sensible and minimal starting Emacs configuration. A clean room implementation of a pure vanilla Emacs configuration that is sanely manageable, and practically useful.

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If a craftsman wants to do good work, he must first sharpen his tools. —- Confucius


What is sensible.emacs.d?

A clean room implementation of a clean vanilla Emacs configuration that is sanely manageable, and practically useful.

Personable and Sensible Emacs Configuration

This Emacs configuration aims to be uncluttered, clean, vanilla, and practically useful for any day-to-day tasks.

It only has the absolute necessary configurations, tailored to be minimal, practical and useful. It is easy to add any additional feature and package later if you need one.

There are several reasons for keeping the configuration to a bare minimum, one is that it’s easier to keep track of all the packages and keystrokes. It is better to have a setup that you use 90% of the time, than having a cluttered setup that will just make it difficult to keep up with gazillions of preinstalled packages that usually end-up being unused.

This configuration tries not to be a one-size-fits all configuration, but it tries to be an Emacs configuration that suits most of the developers, and I keep it personable, clean, easy and sensible.


The files are structured in the following tree.

├── README.org                // default documentation (shown on start-up)
├── init.el                   // contains the org-directory and about-me settings
├── boot.el                   // loads all the *.el files in the config/ and personal/ directory
├── config
│   └── 00-globals.el         // global configurations
│   └── 01-packages.el        // package configurations
│   └── 02-editor.el          // editor configurations
├── personal/                 // added to .gitignore, to store all custom user configurations
├── pkgs/                     // default packages as git submodules
├── docs/                     // contains docs related files
└── themes/                   // themes


To install, clone the repository to a .emacs.d directory. Note that is recommended to backup your previous Emacs directory.

$ mv ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d.bak
$ git clone https://github.com/jjuliano/sensible.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d
$ cd .emacs.d && git submodule update --init --recursive

System packages

In addition to the Emacs default packages, you need to ensure the following packages exists in your system, which can be installed via your operating system’s package manager.

Used by Magit for version control.
ag, rg, git grep or grep
Used by Dumb-jump for code navigation and recursive search in project management
Used to prettify HTML & JS code upon save. See: development.
Used for markdown-mode.
Used for grammar check.
  • Preconfigured to look in ~/.emacs.d/data/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar, see 00-globals.el.
Used for code syntax highlighting.
code syntax highlighting when exporting to PDF from LaTeX.
Used by terminal emulator.
shell-side configurations
shell-side configs needed to be added to .zshrc or .bashrc
Used for spell checking.
Exuberant CTAGS
Used for indexing symbols on the current project in project management.
used by languagetool for the grammar check functionality.


To upgrade your local configuration and it’s submodules type:

$ cd ~/.emacs.d
$ git submodule update --remote --merge


It uses the following packages by default, the individual elisp packages are source directly from the website, while other packages are hosted and are managed by git submodules.


ensure .emacs.d folder is clean
backup files on each save
the base defaults
made $PATH available inside Emacs
practical org-mode GTD and Zettelkasten workflow presets
The Insidious Big Brother Database, an Emacs address-book database
select lines simultaneously
auto-resize active windows
auto-adjust text size based on screen/monitor dimension
workspace management
configure unicode-fonts for Emacs with the following dependencies
Utility functions for working with fonts in Emacs
Utilities for Unicode characters in Emacs
List-manipulation utility functions for Emacs


ask an AI for any topics or to generate documentation, suggest code or improve your code. (see Setting Up ChatGPT for instructions on how to setup ChatGPT for Emacs.)
C-c q
opens the ChatGPT prompt where you can freely type your questions or inquiry.
with selected text
brings up the following functions
generate a documentation of the selected text/code
suggest improvement to the selected text/code
find a bug on the selected text/code
explain the selected text/code
tell ChatGPT what do do with the selected text, see https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts for sample.


integrated project management for Emacs
C-c p
opens the projectile command menu
opens the projectile multiview
add a new project (by opening a file, the directory will be added automatically)
opens a directory of an existing project
opens an existing project
switch to a recently opened file
s s
search current project using ag
x v
open a vterm terminal on the current buffer directory
regenerate searchable tags on the current project
find a tag on the current project
run a shell command on the current buffer directory
run a background shell process command on the current buffer directory
save all buffers in the current project
opens magit (see version control)
C-u C-c p f
force projectile to re-initialize project


terminal emulator based on libvterm C library
M-x vterm
runs the terminal
C-c C-t
turns-on vterm-copy-mode to treat the terminal like a text-file


a complete text-based user interface to Git.
C-x g ?
Git status then press ? to display all git actions
quit the Magit status window
git add
b b
git checkout <branch>
git checkout <file>
c c
git commit
C-x s and C-c
save and apply commit
git commit –amend
P p
git push
F p
git pull
refresh Magit window
C-c M-g
open common git shortcuts
stage current buffer
commit current buffer
show git blame on the current buffer
opens the actual file in the diff window


provides auto-completion
provides auto-completion on org-mode
major mode for editing web templates and CSS files
improved JavaScript editing
Javascript code analyzer (requires to run npm install on pkgs/tern)
auto beautify both HTML & JS files on save (per project, using local rc files), requires prettier to be installed via npm or package manager.
apply ESLint rules on save (per project, using local rc files), requires eslint to be installed via npm or package manager.
TypeScript IDE for Emacs, pre-configured for company mode
add the per project’s node_modules/.bin/ to the exec-path
load .env files inside Emacs
HCL minor mode editing
major mode for viewing Terraform files

code navigation

jump to definition, requires ag or grep (pre-configured)
jump to definition
jump to next definition

spell check

provides a fast spell checking using built-in Flyspell library, if found, it will use this library instead.
provides pop-up menu selection on a wrong spelled word.
display the pop-up menu

grammar check

provides an Emacs interface to LanguageTool (pre-configured)
  • Download the desktop version of LanguageTool from https://languagetool.org/.
  • Modify the config/00-globals.el to point to your languagetool-commandline.jar
  • Change the default language from en-US to your preferred locale
  • Keystrokes
    C-x 4w
    check spelling and grammar
    C-x 4W
    end all check
    C-x 4l
    switch default language
    C-x 44
    show message at point
    C-x 4c
    correct buffer

code syntax check

code syntax checking for Emacs (pre-configured)
  • install the supported flycheck supported languages.
  • Keystrokes
    C-c ! l
    pop-up list of all errors in the current buffer
    C-c ! n and C-c ! p
    next/previous errors in the current buffer
    C-c ! v
    show current setup on buffer


markdown-mode using multimarkdown binary (pre-configured)
  • Install multimarkdown.
  • Note to disable zoom-mode when using live preview.
  • Keystrokes
    C-c C-c l
    live-mode using eww buffer
    C-c C-c m
    preview raw HTML on buffer
    C-c C-c p
    preview on the browser

code syntax highlighting

built-in code highlighting for LaTeX
  • Install Pygments (i.e. pip install Pygments)
  • add #+ATTR_LATEX: :options frame=single and #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{minted} on top of org-mode file

structural templates

required to support structural template via keyboard shortcut.
<s [TAB]
insert a new inline #+BEGIN_SRC...#+END_SRC line.
C-c C-’
creates a new window for editing the inline code.

minibuffer information display

displays keybinding on minibuffer
vertical completion on minibuffer
provides more useful info on minibuffer completion
provides actionable items on the minibuffer
regexp support for minibuffer matching
search and navigation command
modular in-buffer completion


default dark theme
nord dark theme
starlit dark theme
faff light theme

Font size

Text size is automatically calculated using the textsize package. To override the default text size, type M-x customize-group then textsize. Then change the default text size point.

Overrides and personal configurations

Settings can be overridden by creating the elisp file in the personal/ folder. All configurations on this folder will be loaded right after the initialization of the configurations and packages is completed, however, appending pre, i.e. pre-<file>.el on the config file will preload the file.

All overrides and personal configurations in the personal/*.el folder is added to .gitignore file, to avoid committing any personal information in VC.

Default File Locations

All personal configurations, org-notes, backups and auto-saves are stored in the ~/Documents/Emacs/ directory. Those files should not be committed to GIT, but they should be managed via your file-sync utility (i.e. iCloud, Dropbox, etc.).

Package configs and variable files are stored in ~/Documents/Emacs/config/ and ~/Documents/Emacs/data/ respectively.

Org workdir are set to ~/Documents/Emacs/org/.

However, you can override it by creating a personal config file in the personal/ folder.

For example, create a file ~/.emacs.d/personal/org.el which contains the following overrides.

(setq org-directory "~/Emacs/org")
(setq org-mobile-directory (expand-file-name "~/Emacs/mobile"))


On startup, Emacs will present this README.org document.

The default Emacs pulse.el is pre-configured to provide visual feedback on the current line when switching buffers.

Buffers are automatically-sized using zoom when created.

Emoji display support is handled via unicode-fonts package.

Window Transparency Mode

Window transparency can be enabled by defining transparent-windows-mode variable to t.

For example, if you create a personal/pre-variables.el file with the content (setq transparent-windows-mode t), this will turn transparency mode on.


This configuration uses perspective-el for managing and switching to different workspace.

Initially, workspace are numbered from 0 to 5. The default workspace is 0.

To switch to a workspace, type C-M-<0 to 5>.

C-x x ?
show persp-mode keys
C-x x s
switch or create workspace
C-x x n or C-c x p
next/previous workspace
C-x x c
delete workspace
C-x x r
rename workspace


Commenting and uncommenting a line is mapped to CMD-/ or S-/.

Multiple select and edit

Here’s the key-stroke to use the multiple select and edit feature.

Select and edit leading edges
Select and edit trailing edges

Sorting and deleting duplicate lines

CMD-[ or S-[
To sort a selection
CMD-] or S-]
To delete duplicates from selected lines

Themes and Appearance

Themes can be changed via M-x load-theme, or modifying the config/02-editor.el file.

(load-theme 'uwu t t)
(enable-theme 'uwu)

GTD+Zettelkasten org-mode files

I created practical.org.el GTD+Zettelkasten configuration and presets for managing my tasks, notes, routines, habits and agenda. All the org files should be put relative to your org-directory path. The plugin has pre-configured org-files by default which is included in the repository under the files/ folder.

Please refer to the practical.org.el’s installation instructions.

Org-mode GTD+Zettelkasten Key Bindings

Aside from the classic default keys. Here’s important key-strokes for using the practical.org.el presets.

CommandBindingsMode + where
AgendaC-c aany
Agenda for todayC-c a aany
Capture menuC-c cany
Add new inbox items (inbox.org)C-c c i or C-c iany
Create new Scheduled agenda item (agenda.org)C-c c aany
Create a new note entry (notes.org)C-c c nany
Create a note as a new org fileC-c c n or C-c bany
Add/Remove tagC-c C-corg-mode on headline
Update progress indicatorC-c C-corg-mode on [/]
Update all progress indicatorsC-u C-c #org-mode
Enter estimated effortC-c C-x eorg-mode on headline
Refile sectionC-c C-worg-mode on headline
Move to next TODO stateS-rightorg-mode on TODO
Clock inC-c C-x C-iorg-mode on headline
Clock outC-c C-x C-oorg-mode on headline
Plain timestampC-c .org-mode
Scheduled timestampC-c sorg-mode
Deadline timestampC-c dorg-mode
Inactive timestampC-c !org-mode
Show all contactsC-c c Cany
Create a new contactC-c c cany
Regexp search all contactsC-c c sany
Create a new contactcbbdb-mode
Edit contactebbdb-mode
Insert a lineibbdb-mode
Copy the contactCrbbdb-mode
Save the contactsbbdb-mode

Setting Up ChatGPT

Here’s a suggestion on how to install ChatGPT in your local system.

  1. Setup pyenv in your local machine and install Python
    • Once pyenv is installed, install the latest Python version
      • e.g. pyenv install 3.11.1
    • Next reference the latest Python version as your default python bin
      • e.g. pyenv global 3.11.1
        • With pyenv installed, the pip3 becomes pip and python3 becomes python
    • Finally, add the pyenv init shell variables to your shell
      • See pyenv init for instructions
  2. Install local ChatGPT Python libraries and dependencies
    • pip install epc
    • pip install git+https://github.com/mmabrouk/chatgpt-wrapper
    • pip install pytest-playwright
    • Next, execute playwright install, which will install a headless browser for ChatGPT authentication. It is important that you exit any existing browser instance that playwright is using. (i.e. Firefox)
    • Finally, run chatgpt install, which will bring up the ChatGPT interactive prompt. And just restart Emacs.

Further Customizations

Some packages are easy to include in the configuration, while other packages requires post-installation procedures. In those packages, it’s recommended to use GNU ELPA and MELPA.

The default packages includes a custom configuration that contains the basic necessary settings to readily use it, you can modify the settings in the ~/.emacs.d/config/01-packages.el file.


Sensible and minimal starting Emacs configuration. A clean room implementation of a pure vanilla Emacs configuration that is sanely manageable, and practically useful.


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%