README for ruby-webp ===================== Ruby-webp is a gem providing a ruby interface to Google WebP Codec. To install, type 'gem install ruby-webp' Usage: require 'rubygems' require 'ruby-webp' # Encoder Example 1 cwebp = cwebp.compression_factor = 70 cwebp.input_file = "picture.png" cwebp.output_file = "picture.webp" cwebp.show_config => "cwebp -q 70 picture.png -o picture.webp" cwebp.encode # Encoder Example 2 cwebp = cwebp.spatial_noise_shaping = 70 cwebp.deblocking_filter = 50 cwebp.strong_filtering = true cwebp.auto_filter = true cwebp.target_size = 60000 cwebp.input_file = "picture.png" cwebp.output_file = "picture.webp" cwebp.show_config => "cwebp -sns 70 -f 50 -strong -af -size 60000 picture.png -o picture.webp" cwebp.encode # Decoder Example 1 dwebp = dwebp.input_file = "picture.webp" dwebp.ouput_file = "output.png" dwebp.show_config => "dwebp picture.webp -o output.png" dwebp.decode # Decoder Example 2 dwebp = dwebp.input_file = "picture.webp" dwebp.output_ppm = true dwebp.output_file = "output.ppm" dwebp.show_config => "dwebp picture.webp -ppm -o output.ppm" dwebp.decode