jjsjunior / LicensePlateRecognition

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License Plate Recognition

Libraries dependancies:
  • Tensorflow
  • Numpy
  • cv2
  • imutils

You can run the demo by running "python3 finalPrototype.py"

In Yolo training folder, there are some cfg file, weights, python code we used to train our 2 yolos

In CNN training folder, there is the python code we used to train our CNN for character recognition

You can donwload pb files, yolo.weights and datasets here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17gxw7tv7jy3KgJFhQiHX0IilYObFbIJp?usp=sharing

More informations : https://medium.com/@theophilebuyssens/license-plate-recognition-using-opencv-yolo-and-keras-f5bfe03afc65

### Criação de ambiente conda sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))

#criar ambiente python 3.7.10

conda create --prefix /media/jones/datarec/lpr/env python=3.7.10

#ativar ambiente conda activate /media/jones/datarec/lpr/env #instalar tensorflow

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0

#instalar keras

pip install keras==2.2.4

pip install opencv-python==
pip install opencv-contrib-python==
pip install Cython --install-option="--no-cython-compile"

#ir para a pasta do darkflow pra instala-lo:

procedimentos pra correcao de problema na instalacao local do darkflow:

####TheophileBuy#2 ####Just build the Cython extensions in place. NOTE: If installing this way you will have to use ./flow in the cloned darkflow directory instead of flow as darkflow is not installed globally. python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
####Let pip install darkflow globally in dev mode (still globally accessible, but changes to the code immediately take effect) pip install -e .
Install with pip globally
pip install .

###cd /media/jones/datarec/lpr/fontes/ocr/darkflow/darkflow APENAS COMENTADO, NAO UTILIZAR
pip install .
pip install imutils
pip install -Iv h5py==2.10.0
pip install --upgrade Pillow


problema ao definir o LR. encontrada issue no proprio repo:
Darkflow does not use the learning rate in .cfg. Use --lr instead.

comear a treinar a partir de um checkpoint

  • Transformar os arquivos de ckp para o formator protobuf (.pb)


python flow.py
  • Definir o parâmetro load no train-character.py (utiliza o ultimo checkpoint):
    "load": -1


  • DS-CHAR-1_train: 1.359 plates


  • DS-CHAR-2_train: 4.731 plates
  • DS-CHAR-2_test: 1.242 plates / 8.694 chars


  • DS-CHAR-3_train: 7.283 plates
  • DS-CHAR-3_test: 1.816 plates / ??? chars


  • DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_train: 22958 chars
  • DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_test: 5740 chars


  • DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_train: 22958 chars
  • DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_test: 5740 chars
  • Letra I agrupada com o numero 1 e letra O agrupada com numero 0



  • model size: width=608 height=608
  • learning_rate=0.001
  • burn_in=2000
  • max_batches = 500200
  • policy=steps
  • steps=10000,20000,30000
  • scales=.1,.1,.1
  • batch = 8
  • epoch = 200
  • moving ave loss ~= 6.4
  • train DS-CHAR-1_train


  • model size: width=416 height=416
  • learning_rate=0.001
  • burn_in=2000
  • max_batches = 500200
  • policy=steps
  • steps=10000,20000,30000
  • scales=.1,.1,.1
  • batch = 8
  • epoch = 200
  • moving ave loss = 3.683196278051683
  • train DS-CHAR-1_train


  • model size: width=416 height=416
  • learning_rate=0.001
  • burn_in=5000
  • max_batches = 500200
  • policy=steps
  • steps=10000,20000
  • scales=.1,.1
  • batch = 8
  • epoch = 100
  • moving ave loss = 6.2
  • train DS-CHAR-2_train


  • model size: width=320 height=320
  • learning_rate=0.001
  • burn_in=2000
  • max_batches = 500200
  • policy=steps
  • steps=20000,50000, 100000
  • scales=.1,.1,.9
  • batch = 16
  • epoch = 120
  • moving ave loss = 4
  • train DS-CHAR-2_train

Resultados Segmentação

  • Total de amostras: 8694 chars
  • IOU = 0.5
  • DS-CHAR-2_test
Modelo Precision Recall True Positive False Positive False Negative
Baseline Yolov2 0.90 0.41 3522 269 5172
Yolov2-ceia-v3 0.98 0.99 8597 149 97
Yolov2-ceia-v4 0.99 0.99 8596 130 98
Yolov2-ceia-v6 0.99 0.99 8634 103 60
Yolov2-ceia-v7 0.98 0.99 8624 147 70
Yolov2-ceia-v8 0.99 0.99 8642 93 52

Resultados Char Recognition

  • DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_train


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 180
  • loss = 0.05
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_train


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 180
  • loss = 0.05
  • 2 layers dropout 0.5
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_train


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 146
  • best epoch = 102
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-1_train
  • ResNet20 v1


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 300
  • loss = 0.05
  • 2 layers dropout 0.5
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-2_train


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 200
  • best epoch = 102
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-2_train


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 200
  • best epoch = 102
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-2_train
  • data augmentation = True


  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 200
  • best epoch = 102
  • train DS-CHAR-RECOG-2_train
  • data augmentation = True
  • zoom_range=[0.7, 1.3]


  • data augmentation apenas com o gaussian blur.
  • houve melhora significatgiva no desempenho
  • melhoras: treinar em conjungo com variacao de zoom, shift e brilho
  • model size: width=42 height=63
  • epoch = 200
  • best epoch = 88
  • train DS4-CHAR-RECOG-2_train
  • data augmentation = True
  • gaussian blur

Resultados Segmentação

  • Total de amostras: 8694 chars
  • IOU = 0.5
  • DS-CHAR-2_test
Modelo loss acc
char_recog_ceia_1 2.67 0.8517
char_recog_ceia_2 0.9905 0.9024
Ceia_ResNet20v1_model 0.5065 0.93399
char_recog_ceia_3 0.85 0.9123
ceia_char_recog_2_ResNet20v1_model.086 0.4451 0.94283
ceia_char_recog_3_ResNet29v2_model 0.4534 0.9412
ceia_char_recog_4_ResNet29v2_model 0.3613 0.9409
ceia_char_recog_5_ResNet29v2_model 0.3486 0.9442
ceia_char_recog_7_gaussian_ResNet29v2_model.088.h5 0.29 0.9541



Language:Jupyter Notebook 86.5%Language:Python 13.5%