jjranalli / art-gobblers

An experimental decentralized art factory by Justin Roiland and Paradigm.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Art Gobblers • CI

Art Gobblers is an experimental decentralized art factory by Justin Roiland and Paradigm.


Art Gobblers is a decentralized art factory owned by aliens. As artists make cool art, Gobblers gains cultural relevance, making collectors want the art more, incentivizing artists to make cooler art. It's also an on-chain game.

See our overview of the system, as well as deep dives into some the project's mechanisms, like GOO and VRGDAs.



State Diagrams

Gobbler Lifecycle Legendary Gobbler Auctions Page Auctions


You will need a copy of Foundry installed before proceeding. See the installation guide for details.

To build the contracts:

git clone https://github.com/artgobblers/art-gobblers.git
cd art-gobblers
forge install 

Run Tests

In order to run unit tests, run:

forge test

For longer fuzz campaigns, run:

FOUNDRY_PROFILE="intense" forge test

For differential fuzzing against a python implementation, see here.

Run Slither

After installing Slither, run:

slither src/ --solc-remaps 'ds-test/=lib/ds-test/src/ solmate/=lib/solmate/src/ forge-std/=lib/forge-std/src/ chainlink/=lib/chainlink/contracts/src/ VRGDAs/=lib/VRGDAs/src/ goo-issuance/=lib/goo-issuance/src/'

Update Gas Snapshots

To update the gas snapshots, run:

forge snapshot


The following auditors were engaged to review the project before launch:


MIT © 2022 Art Gobblers


An experimental decentralized art factory by Justin Roiland and Paradigm.

License:MIT License


Language:Solidity 98.1%Language:Python 1.4%Language:SMT 0.6%