jjhbw / GoMILP

[WIP] A simple solver for Mixed Integer Linear Programs in pure Go

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


While this project has taught me a lot, I have stopped working on it for now due to it being a significant time sink. Solvers are complex! Who would've thought? ;) In its current state it only solves the most trivial of MILP problems.


The scope of this project is to build a simple Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) solver with an easy to use API in pure Go. Several alternatives (1,2,3) exist in the form of CGO bindings with older LP solver libraries. While excellent pieces of software, I found their dependence on external libraries a big downside for use cases where maximum portability is key.

This project features an implementation of a ('lazy') branch-and-bound method for solving Mixed Integer Linear Programs. The applied branch and bound procedure is basically a heuristic-guided search over an enumeration tree that is generated on the fly. In this tree, each node is a particular relaxation of the original problem with additional heuristically determined constraints. To solve each LP relaxation, we use Gonum's excellent implementation of the Simplex algorithm.


Go dependencies are managed using Go dep. See Gopkg.lock and Gopkg.toml.

For testing, solutions to randomized MILPs are compared to solutions produced by the GNU Linear Programming Kit, using its Go bindings. To install libglpk on macOs, simply run brew install glpk.



  • Prevent matrix singularity introduced by problem preprocessing
  • Problem preprocessing code is still messy and needs some unit tests.
  • All rummikub problems in the unit tests of rummiGo have integer-feasible initial relaxations… Write tests with more complex problems that tax the branch-and-bound procedure
  • Lack of a simple presolver precludes tackling larger/more complex problems (see the Huang thesis in references). See presolver branch.
    • removing empty rows (all zeroes)
    • removing empty columns
    • removing (implicitly) fixed variables
      • currently modifies the original problem (through a variable pointer), this is ugly!
  • remove duplicated rows
    • substitute singleton rows
    • substitute singleton columns


  • extend the instrumentation hook to allow instrumentation (logging) of the presolver operations

  • primal/dual solving

  • problem preprocessing of non-root nodes in the enumeration tree?

  • variables are currently subject to nonnegativity constraints by default.

  • Formal testing against problems with known solutions? (MPS parser needed)

  • Cancellation currently only possible when bnb procedure has been started. We may want to be able to cancel the solving of the initial relaxation too.

  • Deal with infeasible subproblems created after branching on a particular integrality-constrained variable of a LP feasible problem. Should this be a noop (currently) or should branching be retried on another integer constrained variable?

  • Enumeration tree exploration queue is currently FIFO. For depth-first exploration, we should go with a LIFO queue.

  • Add heuristic determining which node gets explored first (as we are using depth-first search) https://nl.mathworks.com/help/optim/ug/mixed-integer-linear-programming-algorithms.html?s_tid=gn_loc_drop#btzwtmv

  • how to deal with matrix degeneracy in subproblems? Currently handled the same way as infeasible subproblems.

  • In branched subproblems: is it sensible to intiate the simplex at solution of parent? (using argument of lp.Simplex)

  • does fiddling with the simplex tolerance value improve outcomes?

  • Currently implemented only the simplest branching heuristics. Room for improvement such as expensive branching heuristics like node (pseudo-)costs.

  • Enumeration tree exploration heuristics: use priority queue-based on heuristics like total path cost or a best-first approach based on earlier solutions.

  • CI procedure should include race detector and test timeouts

  • sanity checks before converting Problem to a MILPproblem, such as NaN, Inf, and matrix shapes and variable bound domains.

  • write benchmarks for time (and space?) usage

  • small(?) performance gains may be made by switching dense matrix datastructures over to sparse ones for bigger problems. This could be facilitated by employing Gonum's mat.Matrix interface.


[WIP] A simple solver for Mixed Integer Linear Programs in pure Go


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