jjbes / Master-MathProject

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Math Project

Author/Contact: Harold Mouchère (harold.mouchere@univ-nantes.fr)
Edited by : Julien Aubert (julien.aubert---beduchaud@etu.univ-nantes.fr)

This is a Master Project to apply machine (deep) learning tool on a challenging computer vision problem: recognition of handwritten Math Expression.

The subject is available in the directory "subject" and the provided code in "code". Some toy examples are available in the "data" directory but the complete dataset is available in the TC11 repository.

Usage of some provided tools

the docker machine with CROHME tools + pytorch

The provided docker file Dockerfile is built with command

docker build -t mathprj .

It is staked with the machine provided here : https://gitlab.univ-nantes.fr/mouchere-h/DockerMachines built with the command line "docker build -t crohme ."

Then start the machine by sharing the current working directory :

docker run -rm -v `pwd`:/home/work -it mathprj


Usage: convertInkmlToImg.py  (path to file or folder) dim padding
	+ (file|folder)        - required str
	+ dim                  - optional int (def = 28)
	+ padding              - optional int (def =  0)


Apply all recognition step to all inkml files and produce the LG files

Usage: processAll <input_inkml_dir> <output_lg_dir>

python3 segmenter.py

Generate from an inkml file hypotheses of symbol in a LG file

usage: python3 segmenter.py [-i fname][-o fname][-s N] -i fname / --inkml fname : input file name (inkml file) -o fname / --output fname : output file name (LG file) -s N / --str N : if no inkmlfile is selected, run with N strokes

python3 segmentSelect.py

Keep or not each segment hypotheses and generate a new LG file

usage: python3 [-o fname] [-s] segmentSelect.py inkmlfile lgFile inkmlfile : input inkml file name lgFile : input LG file name -o fname / --output fname : output file name (LG file) -s : save hyp images

python3 symbolReco.py

Recognize each hypothesis and save all acceptable recognition in a LG file

usage: python3 symbolReco.py [-s] [-o fname][-w weigthFile] inkmlfile lgFile inkmlfile : input inkml file name lgFile : input LG file name -o fname / --output fname : output file name (LG file) -w fname / --weight fname : weight file name (nn pytorch file) -s : save hyp images

python3 selectBestSeg.py

From an LG file with several hypotheses, keep only one coherent global solution (greedy sub-optimal)

usage: python3 selectBestSeg.py [-o fname] lgFile lgFile : input LG file name -o fname / --output fname : output file name (LG file)


Preparation of the partial evaluation of recognition. Not needed if all expressions are recognized. Generate the list of existing LG files with associated LG ground-thruth.

Usage: processAll <output_lg_dir>

evaluate (from LgEval lib)

Compare output LG files with ground-truth LG file and generate a detailed summary of metrics.

2 Usages: global evaluation or partial evaluation from a list of couple evaluate outputDir groundTruthDir evaluate fileList



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