jjaybrown / project-templates

Collection of templates for READMEs, Pull Requests and Issues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Title

Please outline the main purpose/core features of the project in one paragraph.

Interactions with other repos

  • Use bullet points to describe any ways this project is reliant or relied upon by other in-house services.
  • be extra helpful and add links to repos

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need to have these installed before moving onto the installing section.

  • package name - link to docs if possible
  • package name - $ npm install command


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running Say what the step will be

Give the example

And repeat with as detailed as relevant and useful.

until finished

If this section involves a lot of steps, think about creating a setup.sh file that can be ran instead (this can be a useful way to document the process as well as speeding up the process for your fellow developers.


All the configuration for this project lives here: /path/to/config/dir


  • npm run COMMAND_NAME - add a short description

Running Tests

Test scripts live here path/to/tests To run tests: npm run test To run test coverage: npm run test:coverage This project aims to exceed 75% test coverage.

Development Notes

This project follows Git Flow.

Deployment / Versioning

Deployments are handled by kubernetes, the config lives path/to/deployment-scripts When deploying to Production:

  1. Update and commit CHANGELOG.md
  2. git tag v1.0.0 Add git tag in this format.
3. `git push origin master --tags` Push ### Dependancies * library-name - used for this and that * Mention databases used * Mention libraries used for features including things like caching, image processing etc ### Gotchas * This **build error** occurs sometimes. To reset the project files run: 1. `this` and 2. `that` * e.g. explain steps for **clearing cache**


Collection of templates for READMEs, Pull Requests and Issues