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Please write about a deep learning expert in your README.md. he/she can be a professor (e.g., Yann LeCun), a Ph.D student (e.g., Joseph Chet Redmon), a hacker (e.g., Flood Sung), a researcher (e.g., John Schulman), an enginner (e.g., Soumith Chintala), an entrepreneur (e.g., Matthew Zeiler), etc. To avoid writing the same person, please report the person's name in
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/153XruMO7DPONzBTkxh8ZoYSto1E_2zO021vs0prWZ_Q/edit?usp=sharing First come first serve!

Write here


Phillip Isola is currently a postdoctoral with Alyosha Efros in the EECS department at UC Berkeley. He will be starting as an assistant professor in the EECS department at MIT in 2018. Phillip Isola completed Ph.D. in Brain & Cognitive Sciences at MIT, under the supervision of Ted Adelson, where he also frequently worked with Aude Oliva. Phillip Isola received undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Yale, where he got start on research working with Brian Scholl. His researches recently inputs some parts of an image and predicts another part to make image complete or to get extra image information.


Following is his personal website: https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~isola/

Representative Papers:

Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors SIGGRAPH 2017.

Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks CVPR, 2017.
