jixing475 / LGC-msBNN-EA

A target-driven molecule design framework

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A target-driven molecule design framework.

For more design concepts and details of the model, please refer to Article Neural Network Driven, Interactive Molecule Design for Nonlinear Optical Materials Based on Group Contribution Method.


Here are the details about the code file.

Code running conditions

The code we use is run in matlab R2021a on window 11. The matlab program used needs to download the Neural Net Fitting toolbox.

Code runtime

For the output of target molecule, it only takes a few minutes.

Code content

Evolutionary algorithm Folder (EA):

name content
main.m Main program of Evolutionary algorithm.
initpop.m Code for initializing the population.
binary2decimal.m Code for binary and Decimal conversion.
crossover.m Code for individual crossover.
mutation.m Code for individual variation.
calobjvalue.m Code for calculating fitness function.
selection.m Code for individual selection.
best.m Code for calculating the optimal individual.
A.mat A trained model for predicting polarizability.
beta.mat A trained model for predicting first-order hyperpolarizability
U.mat A trained model for predicting dipole moment.
E.mat A trained model for predicting HOMO-LUMO gap.

Note: All codes of Evolutionary algorithm should be placed in the same folder when used.

Neural network Folder (NN):

name content
a.m Bayesian neural network code for predicting polarizability.
beta.m Bayesian neural network code for predicting first-order hyperpolarizability.
E.m Bayesian neural network code for predicting HOMO-LUMO gap.
U.m Bayesian neural network code for predicting dipole moment.
LGC_msBNN.m A multi-stage Bayesian neural network code for predicting first-order hyperpolarizability.
cLGC_msBNN.m A multi-stage Bayesian neural network code for predicting first-order hyperpolarizability.

Model parameter

Evolutionary algorithm

Initial population

The initial population consists of a binary population of 550 individuals with a length of 28, and the vector length of each feature is 1. To adjust the range of each feature, you can change the vector of Characteristic length. The method used in this paper defaults to the range of change of each feature to 0-1.

Individual crossover

Crossover probability:0.3. We chose two ways of crossing:(1) self crossing of the same individual. (2) mutual crossing between different individuals. Both of these crossover methods are within different functional groups.

individual variation

Mutation probability:0.5.

Fitness function

We choose to obtain high-performance molecules with a specified number of functional groups by adjusting the fitness function.The fitness function we designed is visible in calobjvalue.m. The vector of a certain group interval can be set as a fixed value and the fitness function can be calculated together with the vectors within other group intervals in the population. This way, different combinations can be obtained according to the needs. Of course, we can also set all features as variables and participate in the evolution of the population to obtain more molecules.

Selection Operator

Here, we have chosen the roulette wheel selection for individual selection. With this method, individuals whose fitness tends to zero only have a very low probability of being selected, which speeds up the search of molecular structure. Moreover, for individuals with relatively low fitness but potential, there is also a chance to be selected, which avoids premature convergence of the model.

Multi-stage Bayesian Neural Network

Calculation of second-order features

First order feature: vector of the number of groups. The second-order features are all calculated from the first-order features, and their calculation methods can be obtained in our article. The weight vectors corresponding to different features can be viewed in calobjvalue.m and main.m.

First order optical property

polarizability(α)dipole moment(μ)HOMO-LUMO gap(ΔE) The neural networks used to predict these three features are all composed of two hidden layers, with a number of neurons of 22,16.
More parameter settings can be obtained in a.m, E.m, and U.m.

Second-order optical property

Logarithm of first-order hyperpolarizability(ln(β)) The neural networks used to predict ln(β) is composed of two hidden layers, with a number of neurons of 60,35.
More parameter settings can be obtained in beta.m.

Data set

In the data.xlsx file, from left to right are: the structural formula of molecules (SMILES), first-order features, second-order features, first-order and second-order optical features.

In the data-new.csv file, from left to right are: the structural formula of molecules (SMILES), third-order features,first-order features, second-order features, first-order and second-order optical features.(We have removed some duplicate molecules from the data.xlsx)

third-order features

All features are calculated by RDKit, and the specific information of the features used is as follows:

name Type Description Extended class
BalabanJ Balaban's J index Balaban's J value for a molecule,Chem.Phys. Lett. 89:399-404 (1982). Topological descriptors
BertzCT BertzCT A topological index meant to quantify "complexity" of molecules.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103:3599-601 (1981). Topological descriptors
Chi0 Chi indices From equations (1), (9) and (10) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi1 Chi indices From equations (1), (11) and (12) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi0v Chi indices From equations (5), (9) and (10) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi1v Chi indices From equations (5), (11) and (12) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi2v Chi indices From equations (5), (15) and (16) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi3v Chi indices From equations (5), (15) and (16) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi4v Chi indices From equations (5), (15) and (16) of Rev. Comp. Chem. vol 2, 367-422, (1991) Connectivity descriptors
Chi0n Chi indices Similar to Hall Kier Chi0v, but uses nVal instead of valence This makes a big difference after we get out of the first row.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). Connectivity descriptors
Chi1n Chi indices Similar to Hall Kier Chi1v, but uses nVal instead of valence.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). Connectivity descriptors
Chi2n Chi indices Similar to Hall Kier Chi2v, but uses nVal instead of valence This makes a big difference after we get out of the first row.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). Connectivity descriptors
Chi3n Chi indices Similar to Hall Kier Chi3v, but uses nVal instead of valence This makes a big difference after we get out of the first row.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). Connectivity descriptors
Chi4n Chi indices Similar to Hall Kier Chi4v, but uses nVal instead of valence.This makes a big difference after we get out of the first row.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). Connectivity descriptors
EState_VSA1 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA2 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA3 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA4 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA5 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA6 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA7 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA8 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA9 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
EState_VSA10 EState_VSA MOE-type descriptors using EState indices and surface area contributions (developed at RD, not described in the CCG paper). E-state descriptors
FractionCSP3 FractionCSP3 The fraction of C atoms that are SP3 hybridized. Constitutional descriptors
HallKierAlpha HallKierAlpha The Hall-Kier alpha value for a molecule.Rev. Comput. Chem. 2:367-422 (1991). Topological descriptors
Ipc Ipc the information content of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix of a hydrogen-suppressed graph of a molecule. Topological descriptors
Kappa1 Kappa descriptors Hall-Kier Kappa1 value Topological descriptors
Kappa2 Kappa descriptors Hall-Kier Kappa2 value Topological descriptors
Kappa3 Kappa descriptors Hall-Kier Kappa2 value Topological descriptors
LabuteASA LabuteASA Labute's Approximate Surface Area (ASA from MOE) MOE-type descriptors
MolMR MolMR Wildman-Crippen MR value.Wildman and Crippen JCICS 39:868-73 (1999) Molecular property descriptors
NumValenceElectrons NumValenceElectrons The number of valence electrons the molecule has Constitutional descriptors
PEOE_VSA1 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < -0.30) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA2 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 2 (-0.30 <= x < -0.25) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA3 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 3 (-0.25 <= x < -0.20) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA4 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 4 (-0.20 <= x < -0.15) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA5 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 5 (-0.15 <= x < -0.10) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA6 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 6 (-0.10 <= x < -0.05) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA7 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 7 (-0.05 <= x < 0.00) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA8 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 8 (0.00 <= x < 0.05) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA9 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 9 (0.05 <= x < 0.10) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA10 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 10 (0.10 <= x < 0.15) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA11 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 11 (0.15 <= x < 0.20) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA12 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 12 (0.20 <= x < 0.25) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA13 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 13 (0.25 <= x < 0.30) MOE-type descriptors
PEOE_VSA14 PEOE_VSA MOE Charge VSA Descriptor 14 (0.30 <= x < inf) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA1 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < 1.29) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA2 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 2 (1.29 <= x < 1.82) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA3 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 3 (1.82 <= x < 2.24) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA4 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 4 (2.24 <= x < 2.45) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA5 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 5 (2.45 <= x < 2.75) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA6 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 6 (2.75 <= x < 3.05) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA7 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 7 (3.05 <= x < 3.63) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA9 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 9 (3.80 <= x < 4.00) MOE-type descriptors
SMR_VSA10 SMR_VSA MOE MR VSA Descriptor 10 (4.00 <= x < inf) MOE-type descriptors
VSA_EState8 VSA_Estate VSA EState Descriptor 8 (6.45 <= x < 7.00) E-state descriptors
VSA_EState9 VSA_Estate VSA EState Descriptor 9 (7.00 <= x < 11.00) E-state descriptors
VSA_EState10 VSA_Estate VSA EState Descriptor 10 (11.00 <= x < inf) E-state descriptors
MaxAbsEStateIndex Estate Index Returns a tuple of EState indices for the molecule, Reference: Hall, Mohney and Kier. JCICS 31 76-81 (1991) Topological descriptors
MaxAbsPartialCharge Partial Charge Returns molecular charge descriptors Topological descriptors
MaxEStateIndex Estate Index Returns a tuple of EState indices for the molecule, Reference: Hall, Mohney and Kier. JCICS 31 76-81 (1991) Topological descriptors
MaxPartialCharge Partial Charge Returns molecular charge descriptors Topological descriptors
MinAbsEStateIndex Estate Index Returns a tuple of EState indices for the molecule, Reference: Hall, Mohney and Kier. JCICS 31 76-81 (1991) Topological descriptors
MinAbsPartialCharge Partial Charge Returns molecular charge descriptors Topological descriptors
MinEStateIndex Estate Index Returns a tuple of EState indices for the molecule, Reference: Hall, Mohney and Kier. JCICS 31 76-81 (1991) Topological descriptors
MinPartialCharge Partial Charge Returns molecular charge descriptors Topological descriptors


A target-driven molecule design framework


Language:MATLAB 100.0%