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All scripts were carefully annotated. Below is a quick summary.
- estimators.m: Common estimators including covariance <x,x>, Precision matrix, nonlinear averaging matrix <R(x),x>, dCov computed by symmetric difference quotient
- dCov_numerical.m: dCov calculated by different numerical estimations of the time derivative
- derivative_123.m: Supporting file for dCov_numerical.m
- DDC calculation: matrix product of dCov and <x,x>^{-1} or <R(x),x>^{-1}
- Linear_simulation.m: simulation of linear stochastic systems
- Nonlinear_simulation.m: simulation of nonlinear stochastic systems
- LIF_network_YC.m: Leaky-integrate-and-Fire network simulation
- simulate_reduced_wong_wang.ipynb: Reduced Wong-Wang simulation
- FC_GT_ROC.m: classification sensitivity for LIF network recovery
- c_sensitivity_YC.m: c-sensitivity calculation
- rs-fMRI time series data available through
- dMRI dataset available through
- ATLAS_HCP_dMRIparcel_to_IC100node_connectivity.m: convert parcel-level dMRI strength to IC-level dMRI strength