jitsi / zrtp4j

Java implementation of ZRTP protocol

Repository from Github https://github.comjitsi/zrtp4jRepository from Github https://github.comjitsi/zrtp4j

zrtp4j (aka. zrtp4j-light, Jitsi Fork)

This package provides a library that adds ZRTP support to JMF and FMJ. Phil Zimmermann developed ZRTP to allow ad-hoc, easy to use key negotiation to setup Secure RTP (SRTP) sessions. GNU ZRTP4J together with Sun's JMF or the free alternative FMJ provides a ZRTP implementation that can be directly embedded into client and server applications.

The GNU zrtp4j implementation should be compliant to the required functions of ZRTP as described in RFC 6189. Currently, zrtp4j does not support the feature PBX SAS relay. The GNU zrtp4j implementation already defines the necessary external interfaces and functions for this feature, but they are not yet implemented (stubs only).

The first application that included this libarary was a SIP Communicator, now Jitsi Desktop, release produced by Emanuel Onica during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2008.


This library is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later with Classpath Exception, and has been copyright assigned to the Free Software Foundation.


For further information refer to the ZRTP FAQ and the GNU ZRTP How-To. Both are part of the GNU Telephony wiki and are located in its documentation category.


Java implementation of ZRTP protocol

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%