jitendrac / BLM-WordPress-Tutorial-Slider-part2

Files to accompany WordPress tutorial: Build a custom image slider using a Custom Post Type

Home Page:http://www.bluelimemedia.com/2012/03/01/build-a-custom-image-slider-using-a-custom-post-type/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom Slider using WordPress wp_get_attachement_image() and CPT

The files presented here are to accompany the tutorials here:


Following these tutorials and using the files provided, you will be able to create the following website - 


Special thanks must be given to Morten Rand-Hendriksen and Vanessa Chu who invited me to speak at Vancouver's WordPress meet-up.
Joachim Kudish for giving the final theme a quick once over, pointing out my errors and offering advice.
Nathan Searles for sharing his jQuery Slides (http://slidesjs.com/)


The files provided include:
1. The Phostoshop file -- feel free to alter as you need
2. The final Portfolio theme
3. Two slider examples -- Taken from slidesjs.com and modified

Setting up the Portfolio theme

1. Install wordPress on your localhost or server, delete hello world and the sample page. 
2. Install theme and activate.
3. Create three or more posts. Each post should have a title, content and one or more images. ( 640px x 400px )
4. Create one or more feature projects. Each project should have a title, content, one image which is set as a featured image. ( 640px x 280px ) You can also add a link to the project if you choose to.
5. Create a few pages including a Home page.
6. Go through your settings and under Reading choose a static page as your home page and select Home.
7. Set up your menu. You'll need to create a custom menu for the portfolio and link it to the latest post.

That's it. Once that's done, you can play around with the css, layout and transform your site into something a bit more elegant than http://portfolio-demo.bluelimemedia.com/

Have fun!

To learn how the sliders work.. please make sure that you read the tutorials and leave comments if you have any:



You are free to use this content for any personal or commercial project with no attribution. 
You are free to modify the theme in any way you like. 

Of course a link to my site is always appreciated.

--Christine Rondeau


Files to accompany WordPress tutorial: Build a custom image slider using a Custom Post Type
