jiscfoo / eduroam-test

Network access level compliance check tool for eduroam

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compliance check tool for eduroam

This toolset uses nmap and either Vagrant or Docker to check a local network's compliance with the eduroam(UK) Technical Specification.

It is intended as for system and network administrators to verify their local firewall configuration by making connections and sending packets to a Jisc hosted endpoint.


  1. Some firewalls do not pass some UDP packets which are invalid for the port being tested's protocol (mainly this is IPSEC on udp/500).
  2. The endpoint currently only supports the TCP or UDP protocol checks, not the other IP protocols.


Various options are available, depending on the local toolset available:

  1. Vagrant and a local hypervisor (eg. Virtualbox)
  2. Docker
  3. Directly run the eduroam-test.sh script

All three end up running the supplied eduroam-test.sh shell script.


First validate the Vagrantfile and eduroam-test.sh script to ensure you're happy with what it will do.

Initial setup

vagrant up
vagrant upload eduroam-test.sh

Running the checks

vagrant ssh -- sudo bash eduroam-test.sh

Tidy up

When you're finished testing, you'll need to tidy up:

vagrant halt 
vagrant destroy -f


First validate the Dockerfile and eduroam-test.sh script to ensure you're happy with what it will do.

Initial setup

docker build -t jisc/eduroam-test .

Running the checks

docker run --rm -i jisc/eduroam-test

Tidy up

When you're finished testing, you'll need to tidy up:

docker rmi jisc/eduroam-test
docker rmi base/archlinux     # optional

Run the script

Due to the options used, the nmap script requires root privileges. Please review the script before running as root!

sudo ./eduroam-test.sh


You should see an output from the nmap command similar to that below. Ideally, all of the STATE results should be open.

Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-01-02 12:36 UTC
Nmap scan report for eduroamuk-probe.dev.ja.net (
Host is up, received user-set (0.029s latency).

PORT      STATE         SERVICE          REASON
21/tcp    open          ftp              syn-ack
22/tcp    open          ssh              syn-ack
80/tcp    open          http             syn-ack
143/tcp   open          imap             syn-ack
220/tcp   open          imap3            syn-ack
406/tcp   open          imsp             syn-ack
443/tcp   open          https            syn-ack
465/tcp   open          smtps            syn-ack
587/tcp   open          submission       syn-ack
636/tcp   open          ldapssl          syn-ack
993/tcp   open          imaps            syn-ack
995/tcp   open          pop3s            syn-ack
1194/tcp  open          openvpn          syn-ack
1494/tcp  open          citrix-ica       syn-ack
3128/tcp  open          squid-http       syn-ack
3389/tcp  open          ms-wbt-server    syn-ack
3653/tcp  open          tsp              syn-ack
5900/tcp  open          vnc              syn-ack
8080/tcp  open          http-proxy       syn-ack
10000/tcp open          snet-sensor-mgmt syn-ack
123/udp   filtered      ntp              host-prohibited ttl 52
500/udp   open|filtered isakmp           no-response
1194/udp  open          openvpn          udp-response ttl 64
3653/udp  open          tsp              udp-response ttl 64
4500/udp  open          nat-t-ike        udp-response ttl 64
7000/udp  open          afs3-fileserver  udp-response ttl 64
7001/udp  open          afs3-callback    udp-response ttl 64
7002/udp  open          afs3-prserver    udp-response ttl 64
7003/udp  open          afs3-vlserver    udp-response ttl 64
7004/udp  open          afs3-kaserver    udp-response ttl 64
7005/udp  open          afs3-volser      udp-response ttl 64
7006/udp  open          afs3-errors      udp-response ttl 64
7007/udp  open          afs3-bos         udp-response ttl 64
10000/udp open          ndmp             udp-response ttl 64

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15.79 seconds


Network access level compliance check tool for eduroam

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 71.5%Language:Dockerfile 28.5%