Our prompt for this project was to build a "companion piece" to one of our previously submitted pieces.
My previous piece was a consideration of the shifts in communication over the years, as we've moved from a more contemplative, methodical medium of letter-writing towards the more impulsive and quickfire methods of today's social media. It was ultimately a very mellow and optimistic viewpoint on the role of social media in fostering the relationships of today.
This time around, I decided to take on a more agressive, pessimistic view of the whole social-media subject.
Go take a look; I think you'll see what I mean.
The hashtags I used were pulled manually from the Starbucks, Urban Outfitters, Sephora, and University of Chicago Twitter feeds. Additionally, I made some up on the spot. Some more were taken from Facebook friends' status updates.
The implementation itself is a quickfire d3.js visualization.