jinmatt / sumoqs

A survey app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



How to setup and run


You need a docker machine setup, up and running for development

  1. Checkout

  2. Run goat binary at the project root

$ ./goat
  1. Open the docker-machine ip address in the browser to see the app running

To view debug logs from the docker container running node app, open a new terminal and run:

$ docker-compose logs -f web

The goat file watcher uses config from goat.yml and starts up the docker containers needed for development using docker-compose. See the docker-compose.yml for more details.

Deployment setup

Deployment scripts and configs are in the deploy folder and the deploy.sh script should be run from there.

This setup is for deploying the dockerized app on Marathon running on a DC/OS cluster. Assumes you have dcos cli installed and configured.

Usage: ./deploy.sh env init|update tag

  • env - can be staging or production. See marathon configs in /deploy directory
  • tag - can be latest or a release tag like 1.2.0
# Create a new marathon app on staging
./deploy.sh staging init latest

# Update a existing marathon app on staging
./deploy.sh staging update latest

Docker hub image: jinmatt/sumoqs

App Configs

env variables are used for runtime configurations:

  • ADMIN_PASS - The dashboard login access password can be set using this env variable

  • SESSION_SECRET - This env variable is used to set secret key for generating signed secure cookies for session management for guest users coming on the website

See docker-compose.yml to change these in development, and staging.json or production.json in /deploy for deployments.

More app init configurations can be managed or added in /config. By default the app starts with the init config default.json


A survey app


Language:JavaScript 64.2%Language:HTML 31.3%Language:Shell 3.8%Language:CSS 0.7%