jindai1783 / Takeaway

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This repository is an exercise to practice OOD in ruby, and integrating external API, i.e. Twilio.

Try It

gem install twilio-ruby
require './lib/order.rb'
order = Order.new

Problem Statement

Write a Takeaway program.


  • list of dishes with prices
  • placing the order by giving:
    • the list of dishes
    • their quantities
    • a number that should be the exact total (if sum not correct => raise an error, else customer is sent a text with order status)

The text sending functionality should be implemented using Twilio API. Use twilio-ruby gem to access the API e.g. "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52". Use a Gemfile to manage your gems.

Make sure that your Takeaway is thoroughly tested and that you use mocks and/or stubs, as necessary to not to send texts when your tests are run. However, if your Takeaway is loaded into IRB and the order is placed, the text should actually be sent. Use Twilio with your "verified number" to send messages.

User Scenario


  1. A customer connects to the server via phone.
  2. The customer views the menu.
  3. After consideration, the customer decides to pick another restaurant.


  1. A customer connects to the server via phone.
  2. The customer views the menu.
  3. The customer decides to order.
  4. Under prompt, the customer is asked to enter the dish number, followed by quantity.
  5. The customer adds another dish.
  6. The customer proceeds to checkout, the sum is shown to the customer.
  7. The customer enters the total amount to transfer, and got it right, "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52" says the text.


  1. Repeat user scenario 2 from step 1 to step 6.
  2. The customer enters the total amount to transfer, and got it wrong, "Ooops, you've transferred the wrong amount, please try it again." says the text.
  3. The customer is upset, and decides to pick another restaurant.



Responsibility Collaborators
Be printed Order


Responsibility Collaborators
View Menu Menu
Add dish(es)
Delete dish(es)
Make a real order Text


Responsibility Collaborators
Send text



Language:Ruby 100.0%