jinahya / kisa-aria

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Java CI with Maven Quality Gate Status

A simple proxy for KISA ARIA cipher.


The source code provided by KISA is, unfortunately, not usable at all. The following signatures are what it has. (Non-private methods are listed.)

class ARIAEngine {

    public ARIAEngine(int keySize)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    void setKey(byte[] masterKey)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    void encrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset, byte[] o, int ooffset)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    byte[] encrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    void decrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset, byte[] o, int ooffset)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    byte[] decrypt(byte[] i, int ioffset)
            throws InvalidKeyException {


I created a proxy class invokes, using reflection, methods of the ARIAEngine class.

(I've never tried to implement javax.crypto.Cipher, and I will never.)

public class ARIAEngineProxy {

    public static ARIAEngineProxy newInstanceForEncryption(final byte[] key)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    public static ARIAEngineProxy newInstanceForDecryption(final byte[] key)
            throws InvalidKeyException {

    public int encrypt(byte[] input, int inputOffset,
                       byte[] output, int outputOffset)
            throws ShortBufferException {

    public void encrypt(ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output)
            throws ShortBufferException {

    public int decrypt(byte[] input, int inputOffset,
                       byte[] output, int outputOffset)
            throws ShortBufferException {

    public void decrypt(ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output)
            throws ShortBufferException {

This module includes test classes use the Legion of the Bouncy Castle as a JCE Provider.

Here comes an example uses standard classes for ARIA algorithm.

class ReadMeTest {

    static {
                new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()

    @ValueSource(ints = {128, 192, 256})
    @ParameterizedTest(name = "[{index}] keysize: {0}")
    void __(final int keysize, @TempDir final File dir) throws Exception {
        final var algorithm = "ARIA";
        final var mode = "CBC";
        final var padding = "PKCS5Padding";
        final var transformation = algorithm + '/' + mode + '/' + padding;
        final var cipher = Cipher.getInstance(transformation);
        final var blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize();
        assert blockSize == 16;
        final Key key;
            final var generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(algorithm);
            key = generator.generateKey();
        final AlgorithmParameterSpec params;
            final var iv = new byte[blockSize];
            params = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, params);
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, params);



Language:Java 100.0%