jina-ai / GSoD

Google Season of Docs 2022

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Google Season of Docs is an annual program by Google that provides support for open source projects to improve their documentation and gives professional technical writers an opportunity to gain experience in open source.

Jina has applied to participate in Google Season of Docs 2022!. GSoD aims at empowering open source projects through documentation and provides professional technical writers a chance to contribute to open source.

We will be having slots open for one technical writer who will work closely with a mentor from Jina and improve our Learning Portal. So, if you are a technical writer, we invite you to take part in this program with us. We hope to have a productive summer with the technical writers who come on board with us!

Table of contents


Jina is a neural search framework that empowers anyone to build SOTA and scalable neural search applications in minutes. A detailed description of Jina can be found here.


Date Phase Information about the phase
16th April - 26th April Project discussion Technical writers can discuss the potential timeline and ideas with the mentors and can also ask for feedback on their proposal draft.
26th April - 9th May Proposal submission The proposal should be submitted in a pdf format via email to devrel@jina.ai before the deadline.
9th May 2022 , 11:59 PM CET Deadline for proposal submission All proposals should be submitted before the deadline.
10th May - 14th May Proposal review The proposal will be reviewed by Jina and the suitable technical writer will be selected
15th May 2022, 5:00 PM CET Announcement of technical writer selected The organization will announce the selected technical writer via email and also on slack channel.


Jina has a slack channel where every person from our team is very active in answering questions, resolving doubts and communicating. Please join the slack channel, introduce yourself and ask any questions that you might have.

Project idea

We maintain our documentation regularly and recently have developed our own free bootcamp on our Learning Portal. Every newcomer in the community is made aware of neural search and they are directed to a free bootcamp on the Learning portal where they can learn new concepts, practice them with quizzes, win certificates and get ahead in their learning.

Recently, Jina migrated from v2.6 to v3.0 and it now allows support for integrations with different vector databases. Following these changes, a lot of new content was generated. And, we would like to take help of a technical writer who can restructure the Learning Portal for accommodating new content, add the updated content, make it more user friendly and help us in improving the way we spread information. The technical writer will be mentored by 3-4 core members of Jina.

The key aspect in learning Jina and neural search is our Learning Portal which we plan to update, restructure and overall, re-develop from scratch this year. This not only keeps our goal of open source educational content fulfilled but also helps provide our team useful insights for user experience.

Project scope

The following tasks are included in the project scope:

  1. Improving the structure of the Learning Portal such that it is more user friendly and displays fresh and updated content.
  2. A clear distinction of the topics and content between beginner, intermediate and advanced sections catering to the updates post Jina 3 release.
  3. Tying together the different parts of a section better through a smooth transition of content flow.
  4. Figuring out alternative ways to repurpose and better represent the content.
  5. Update the learning portal to be a representative to the entire Jina ecosystem.
  6. Feedback is an important part of improving the documentation. The scope of this project improves by running through the submissions of the first survey/feedback form and then improving on it. We have some feedback right now but we would like to run a more consolidated survey again for the learning portal.
  7. Create an introductory blog post explaining the learning portal, the navigation, the benefits and next steps (post completing of bootcamp)
  8. Sync the new documentation set with the code to support continuous integration with code changes. Since Jina changes and the functions do too, it is only beneficial to make the upgradation process automatic.

Skills required

  1. Technical documentation
  2. Python experience
  3. Github experience
  4. Communication skills
  5. Ability to understand user experience and interest in improving the user experience
  6. AI/ML background is a plus but not required.

Project Budget

Budget Item Amount Running total Notes/justification
Technical writer $5000 $5000 One technical writer
Schwags from Jina $0 $5000 Jina will provide some authentic schwags for the technical writer as a token of appreciation.

Writing the proposal

Your proposal should contain the following information. Any other information that you wish to add is optional. Please make sure your proposal contains everything we might need to know about your experience and skills so that we can make an informed decision.

  1. Personal details
  2. Professional details and experience
  3. Motivation to apply
  4. Project plan and implementation strategy (be as specific as possible, listing down everything you wish to do)
  5. Other commitments
  6. Communication details and preferred mode of communication
  7. Proposed budget (for the entire project)

What makes a strong proposal?

For having a strong proposal, we believe that:

  1. The proposal should lay out clear milestones that divide your project into different small parts. These milestones can be weekly, monthly or bi-weekly.
  2. The proposal should clearly explain the motivation behind your application and also justify how your skills match the requirements.
  3. The proposal has milestones which are measurable.
  4. The proposal also has clear, unambiguous goals and objectives.
  5. Lastly, the proposal in itself should depict the writer's ability to complete the project successfully and also depict that the applicant indeed understands the problem they will be tackling and accordingly can come up with the solution.

How to apply

  • Please send your proposals in a PDF format to devrel@jina.ai with the subject "GSoD 2022 proposal" before the deadline.


Google Season of Docs 2022