Jim Vickery (jimvickery)


Geek Repo

Company:Ingram Software Engineer - Grad of Nashville Software School

Location:Nashville, TN

Home Page:jimvickery.me

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jim Vickery's repositories


A Return on Investment Calculator built on Java as an Android Mobile App. Available on Google Store at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.InvestProfits.jimvickery.investingreturncalculator



creating several JSON files that will be describing all of the explosive products that you sell. You need to use Promises to handle the order of the asynchronous operations needed to load the data.



You have an acquaintance whose job is to, once a year, delivery presents to the best kids around the world. They have a problem, though. There are so many good boys and girls in the world now, that their old paper accounting systems just don't cut it anymore. They want you to write a program that will let them do the following tasks.



Build an ERD to define the properties of the following resources and the relationships between them. There are some properties defined for each resources, but they are the bare minimum. Use your own life skills and knowledge to add appropriate properties to each one where you see fit. Technical Note: These are the main resources that are needed in the database and is not an all-inclusive list of tables that should be created.



This small app replaces the value of a variable using pointers to change the value. It uses memory address to replace the values.



A loop that starts at 2 and goes to 100. It prints out Programming is awesome if a number is divisible by 3 or 5. If not, it prints the line number



Just like in JavaScript when using Jasmine, to create a class that test the functionality of a Calculator class.



Create a class that contains information about employees of a company and define methods to get/set employee name, job title, and start date.



Code4Startup React Native Boilerplate



d21-group-theme-park-hogwarts created by GitHub Classroom



Run main.rb and handle all raised exceptions. Pay attention to the comments that provide additional info/directions. You should not change the code to fix the errors but handle all exceptions with proper exception handling.



Create a blog page with three short articles. Store each article's title, author, copy/content, and published date in an object in a json file. The blog page should be a handlebars template that will be bound to the json data.



Open up the database file in the DB Browser for SQLite application to see it. Go ahead and click around a little bit to familarize yourself with the database. When you're ready to start the exercise, click the tab labeled "Execute SQL", type in your query and run it. For each of the following exercises, provide the appropriate query. Yes, even the ones that are expressed in the form of questions. Everything from class and the Sqlite documentation for SQL keywords and functions is fair game.



Define an array that contains arrays. Each array should contain two strings: The name of an artist A song by that artist Make sure that some of the songs are from the band Nickelback. You can see a list of their greatest hits on Amazon. songs = [ ['Nickelback', 'How You Remind Me'], ['Will.i.am', 'That Power'], ['Miles Davis', 'Stella by Starlight'], ['Nickelback', 'Animals'] ] Using array manipulation methods, create a new array that contains all songs that were not performed by Nickelback.



Create a mary.rb module that contains a Mary class. Create a margaret.rb module that contains a Margaret class. Each module must accept one command line argument that is a message to add to a list (see example below). Each module must be able to serialize a hash to a file named messages. Each module must be able to deserialize the hash stored in messages. Each module, after the object is deserialized from the file, must add the message to the appropriate list in the hash.



Create a class Table that inherits from class Furniture and also has added variable for seating(Integer). Use the module Properties as a mixin in the class Table in order to determine its number of legs, type of wood, dimensions and description.



Requirements You are going to modify your Mushroom Mania application to use a factory to retrieve the mushroom data instead of retrieving it directly in your controller. Create a new factory for your Angular application. Make sure your factory returns something. Inject the factory dependency into your controller. Invoke the appropriate function that your factory exposes to get the mushroom data. When the method is successful, take the results and put them into $scope.mushrooms variable in your controller that is bound to the partial.



For this exercise, you're going to create a basic application, with a single view. Your job is to load the JSON data below and display it in a list. Above the list, provide one text box, and two radio buttons. The radio buttons should be labeled Poisonous and Non-poisono



CRUD app skeleton for attaching some awesome firebase interactions



Stock charting system built in Python.



or this exercise, you're going to create a basic application, with a two views. Each view will provide information about a famous American highway. Each will have a title show the name of the highway, and an element in which the description of the highway will be displayed. You will need: An Angular application module. Inject ngRoute into your applcation. A config section for your application where you set up two routes. Famous highway #1 Famous highway #2 Two controllers defined in your application. Two partials - one bound to one of the controllers. Each controller will have two scope variables. $scope.highwayName $scope.highwayDescription You provide the name and description for each highway that you find via research.



Create another array containing arrays where each array will hold the name of a spacecraft that we have launched, and the names of the planet(s) that it has visited, or landed on. (e.g. ['Cassini', 'Saturn']). Iterate over your array of planets, and inside that loop, iterate over the array of arrays. Print, for each planet, which satellites have visited.



The header element should have a 1px border. Color, you pick. Convert the ul in the navigation element into a series of horizontal links with # as the href value, without bullets, and have some space between them horizontally.



Using the Random class, generate a list of 20 random numbers between 0 and 49. prng = Random.new random_numbers = [...insert awesome code here...] puts(random_numbers)



Write test cases to verify the I/O of the following methods of Animal and Dog. In the test class' setup method, create an instance of Animal and Dog. Animal object has the correct name property. Set a species and verify that the object property of species has the correct value. Invoking the walk method set the correct speed on the both objects. The animal object is an instance of Animal. The dog object is an instance of Dog.



Define a hash that contains information about several members of your family. Use the following example as a template.



AngularJS site with Firebase and user authentication



For this project you need to use Angular to list a collection of travel guides in the DOM. Build an application that has one view, and one controller that will be responsible for retrieving the data and exposing it for use in the view. The view needs to list all book titles, which type of book it is, and the price for the book. Fetch your data using an http call that returns a promise. Save the returned data as a property of the $scope object and loop through it to display the guidebook info to the user. Here's a list of some things to include in your app in the appropriate spots: Directives: ng-app="<your module name>" ng-controller="bookCtrl" ng-repeat="book in books" A call to the data folder for guides.json using $http Use the $q service to wrap your http call in a promise $scope.books = <your array of guide books data>



Requirements Create a single class that implements all functionality. Create a method for reading the car makes file. Create a method for reading the car models file. Create a method that invokes the previous two methods and generates a hash. The hash keys will be the make names. The value for each key will be a list of model names. { "Toyota" => ["Camry"], ... }
