jimmyurl / Weather_Application

A basic weather application that utilizes React hooks to manage state and Axios to fetch weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API based on the user's input. It then displays the weather information on the screen when available.

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A simple weather application in ReactJs that allows users to search for weather information by entering the name of a city. The app fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays the temperature, description of weather conditions, feels-like temperature, and humidity for the specified city. Here's how you can setup you app similar to this:

  1. Dependencies and Imports:

    • Import the necessary dependencies and styles at the beginning of App.js file, including Axios for making API requests and React libraries for managing state and rendering the UI.
  2. State Setup:

    • Use the useState hook to create two state variables:
      • weatherData: This state variable will store the weather data for the selected city once it's fetched from the API.
      • city: This state variable is used to store the city name entered by the user in the search input.
  3. Fetching Weather Data:

    • Define an useEffect hook that triggers whenever the city state changes. Inside this effect, create an asynchronous function called fetchWeatherData.

    • fetchWeatherData makes an API request to OpenWeatherMap using Axios. It constructs the URL with the API key and the user's input city name.

    • If the request is successful, it sets the fetched weather data into the weatherData state variable. If there is an error, it logs the error to the console.

  4. Search Input Handling:

    • The input field is controlled by the city state. When the user types in the input field, the handleSearch function is called, updating the city state with the user's input.
  5. Rendering the Weather Data:

    • The weather data fetched from the API is conditionally displayed in the UI. Check if weatherData is not null (i.e., data has been fetched) before rendering the weather information.

    • The weather information includes the city name, temperature in Celsius, weather description, feels like temperature, humidity percentage, and wind speed.

  6. Rendering in index.js:

    • In the index.js file, create a React root element using createRoot and render your App component wrapped in StrictMode. StrictMode is used for highlighting potential problems in the app during development.



A basic weather application that utilizes React hooks to manage state and Axios to fetch weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API based on the user's input. It then displays the weather information on the screen when available.


Language:JavaScript 46.3%Language:HTML 28.7%Language:CSS 25.0%