jimi-c / ansible_cloudformation_example

A simple playbook building a drupal website with cloudformation

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How to Use

This playbook assumes the following:

  • You have set the AWS environment variables required for boto.
  • You have the EC2 dynamic inventory script and .ini file in /etc/ansible
  • The private/public key you want to use for this are in ~/.ssh/ and are named id_rsa.ansible and id_rsa.ansible.pub. To change this, just edit the build_datacenter.yml playbook.

To spin up the environment:

ansible-playbook -v --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa.ansible -i /etc/ansible/ec2.py build_datacenter.yml --ask-vault-pass

If for some reason the drupal installation fails, or if you'd like to force it to wipe/reinstall, you can add -e force_drupal_install=yes.

The first time the playbook runs, it will create the cloudformation deployment. Since the EC2 inventory does not yet know about the hosts it is creating, once the environment is done building it will simply skip the next few tasks. To actually configure the servers and deploy the software, simply re-run the above command.

Once you're done with the environment, simply destroy it with this command:

ansible-playbook -v destroy_datacenter.yml


All of the following variables can be set to modify the environment, and are defined in the file env_variables. You can change them there, or override them as needed with the --extra-vars/-e command option for ansible-playbook.

  • demo_stack_name - the name of the cloudformation stack. This will also be used for the key name. Defaults to ansible-demo.
  • demo_region - the region in which to build the stack. Defaults to us-east-1.
  • web_instance_type - the instance type to use for the web servers. Defaults to m1.small.
  • web_server_port - The port nginx will listen on by default. Defaults to 8080.
  • web_num_instances - The number of instances to add to the auto-scaling group. Currently, the same number is used for both the min and max. Defaults to 5.
  • db_name - the name of the database server. Defaults to ansibledemo.
  • db_user - the name of the MySQL admin user. Defaults to admin.
  • db_allocated_storage - this value is the size of the database storage allocated. Defaults to 5.
  • db_instance_class - this value is the instance type to use for the RDS database. Defaults to db.m1.small.
  • db_multi_az - if set to true, the RDS database will span multiple AZs. Defaults to false.
  • db_read_replica - if set to true, the RDS database will have a read replica created. Defaults to false.

Vault File

The secure.yml file is vault-encrypted. To modify it, the default password is secret. By default, it contains:

db_password: testing1234
admin_password: Password1

You can use the ansible-vault edit secure.yml command to modify it, or use ansible-vault rekey secure.yml to change the


A simple playbook building a drupal website with cloudformation