To reproduce:
git clone
cd behance-docker-php-stdout-bug
docker-compose up -d
Enter the Docker Machine Name for your local
Send a request to the container:
curl -XGET http://$(docker-machine ip $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME):$(docker port badboy 8080 | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[2]}')
Examine the Docker logging by examining the raw container logs from the docker host
(e.g., docker-machine ssh $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME
, thence tail -F /var/lib/docker/containers/$CONTAINER_ID/$CONTAINER_ID-json.log
- Actual:
{"log":"I want a Bad Boy Sandwich\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2020-11-19T06:18:08.672226893Z"}
- Expected:
{"log":"I want a Bad Boy Sandwich\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2020-11-19T06:18:08.672226893Z"}
- Raw PHP stream explicitly set to
; Loggers (e.g., Monolog) in production applications typically use this stream - The unexpected outcome is that containers are sending "normal" PHP output to STDERR, which affects metrics in AWS, FluentD routing, Sumo queries, etc.