jimbraun / XCDF

XCDF: eXplicitly Compacted Data Format. See documentation at Read the Docs:

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XCDF: The eXplicitly Compacted Data Format

CMake scikit-build readthedocs

Official documentation

Starting from XCDF > v3.00.03 the documentation is built automatically on ReadTheDocs and can be found at https://readthedocs.org/projects/xcdf/.

Installation requirements

  • CMake > 3.15
  • a C++ compiler with full support for the C++11 standard
  • Python >= 3.7


The eXplicitly Compacted Data Format (XCDF) is written and maintained by Jim Braun at the University of Maryland. XCDF is a binary data format designed to store data fields with user-specified accuracy. The library uses bit-packing to store the field at the given accuracy for a given set of values and therefore provides substantial compression.

Python2 bindings for XCDF are written and maintained by Segev BenZvi at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Python3 bindings have been added using pybind11 by Maximilian Nöthe from TU Dortmund (Germany) and Michele Peresano from the University of Turin (Italy).

Bit Packing

Bit-packing is the process of compressing data by reducing the number of bits needed to represent data values, then packing those bits serially for each datum, ignoring word boundaries. This technique is particularly effective for floating-point data, as precision in the mantissa beyond the needed resolution has high entropy and is poorly compressed by generic tools (e.g. GZip). As an example, suppose we wish to record zenith and azimuth angles of cosmic ray events from an experiment with an angular resolution of one degree. Since the resolution is one degree, the data can be stored in bins of 0.1 degrees without significant degradation. Therefore, we create 1800 bins in zenith angle, representing 0-180 degrees, and we create 3600 bins in azimuth angle, representing 0-360 degrees. We need a minimum of 11 bits to store the zenith angle (2^11 = 2048) and 12 bits to store the azimuth angle (2^12 = 4096). Successive zenith/azimuth angle pairs will be written consecutively in the file zenith1,azimuth1,zenith2,azimuth2,zenith3, etc., requiring 23 total bits for each pair. This is nearly a factor of 3 less space than needed by writing 32-bit floating-point values directly into the file, which would require 64 bits for each zenith, azimuth pair.

This scheme has two major drawbacks, however:

  1. Changes to the data format require significant updates to data readers, as well as a data versioning scheme. Examples: a) Suppose one later improves the experiment and needs to write data in 0.05 degrees bins. This requires adding one bit to both the azimuth and zenith fields. b) Suppose a new field (e.g. energy) is added. Now three fields are written sequentially for each event (zenith, azimuth, energy).

  2. The maximum and minimum values of each data field must be specified.

XCDF solves these problems by providing a layer of abstraction between the data and data readers, and by dynamically calculating maximum and minimum field values as data are written.


XCDF stores groups of fields that have a common index (nTuples). Each index is referred to as an event. Data fields are added to the file by specifying a name, resolution, and field type (unsigned/signed integer, or floating-point). Vector fields (fields with multiple entries per event) are also supported, provided that the length of the vector is the value of one of the fields present in the event. The data is written into each field, and then the event is written into the file.

The file is written as blocks of events. The field data is stored in a temporary buffer until either the set number of events in the block is reached (default: 1000 events), or the set maximum block size is reached (default: 100 MB). Once the block is filled, the minimum and maximum values of each field are calculated for the block and written to the file. For each event, each field is bit-packed using the calculated minimum and maximum field values and the specified field resolution and is then written sequentially into the file.

The above procedure is reversed when reading the file back. When a data block is read, the field minimum and maximum are recovered. The data fields are filled each time an event is read, converting the bit-packed datum into the original field value (accurate to the specified field resolution).

Installation instructions

Get the repository by cloning it from GitHub,

git clone https://github.com/jimbraun/XCDF

C++ library

Configure the project,


where $INSTALL_DIR is the final installation directory you want to use.

Build it,

cmake --build build -- -jN

with N number of threads to use for compilation.

Finally, install it

cmake --install .

For pure make instructions, please refer to the INSTALL file.

The installation directory will be filled by the bin, include and lib subdirectories. Remember to export (or check) the appropriate environment variables for your system for the executables, headers, and libraries to be found.

Python3 bindings

Bindings for Python3 are created using pybind11 and the Python package is created using scikit-build.

scikit-build allows making a package out of the Python bindings, so to obtain them you can simply do one of the following,

  • pip install . from the root of the repository,
  • pip install $PATH_TO_XCDF/XCDF from anywhere else.

Similarly, to also run the tests with pytest,

pip install ".[tests]" or pip install "$PATH_TO_XCDF/XCDF[tests]"


C++ interface

Help about the C++ interface and its options can be obtained with the command xcdf -h.

Python interface

import numpy as np
import xcdf

events = {}

with File("some_file.xcd", "r") as input_file:
    file_header = input_file.comments
    for event_index, event in enumerate(input_file):
        events[event_index] = event


To compile the documentation locally,

  • cd docs
  • make html
  • open build/html/index.html with your favourite browser

If you see unexpected warnings or errors, and especially if you notice unexpected build material laying around, issue a make clean and try again.


XCDF: eXplicitly Compacted Data Format. See documentation at Read the Docs:




Language:C++ 92.1%Language:CMake 5.7%Language:Python 1.0%Language:C 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.3%