jim-fx / sudoku.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Since using neovim have you become a coding ninja, a keyboard warrior a programming wizard?
Are you so blazingly fast that you now have time to spend outside of your terminal?

Now presenting: sudoku.nvim

Table of Content


Install with Packer

use {
  cmd = "Sudoku",
  config = function()
      -- configuration ...

Install with lazy.nvim

  cmd = "Sudoku",
  config = function()
      -- configuration ...


Main window


-- These are the defaults for the settings
  persist_settings = true, -- safe the settings under vim.fn.stdpath("data"), usually ~/.local/share/nvim,
  persist_games = true, -- persist a history of all played games
  default_mappings = true, -- if set to false you need to set your own, like the following:
  mappings = {
      { key = "x",     action = "clear_cell" },
      { key = "r1",    action = "insert=1" },
      { key = "r2",    action = "insert=2" },
      { key = "r3",    action = "insert=3" },
      -- ...
      { key = "r9",    action = "insert=9" },
      { key = "gn",    action = "new_game" },
      { key = "gr",    action = "reset_game" },
      { key = "gs",    action = "view=settings" },
      { key = "gt",    action = "view=tip" },
      { key = "gz",    action = "view=zen" },
      { key = "gh",    action = "view=help" },
      { key = "u",     action = "undo" },
      { key = "<C-r>", action = "redo" },
      { key = "+",     action = "increment" },
      { key = "-",     action = "decrement" },
  custom_highlights = {
      board = { fg = "#7d7d7d" },
      number = { fg = "white", bg = "black" },
      active_menu = { fg = "white", bg = "black", gui = "bold" },
      hint_cell = { fg = "white", bg = "yellow" },
      square = { bg = "#292b35", fg = "white" },
      column = { bg = "#14151a", fg = "#d5d5d5" },
      row = { bg = "#14151a", fg = "#d5d5d5" },
      settings_disabled = { fg = "#8e8e8e", gui = "italic" },
      same_number = { fg = "white", gui = "bold" },
      set_number = { fg = "white", gui = "italic" },
      error = { fg = "white", bg = "#843434" },


You can see all the default mappings in the configuration settings. If you want to define your own you can either do it with the config, for example if you would like to use c to clear a cell you would set:

    mappings = {
        { key = "c", action = "clear_cell" }

You can also just use vim.keymap.set (this will create keymaps for all buffers, not just for the ones that contain the sudoku board)

vim.keymap.set("n", "c", ":Sudoku clear_cell")
-- or
vim.keymap.set("n", "c", function() require("sudoku").setCell(0) end)


You could add the following mappings to make it easier to jump between squares

-- ftplugin/sudoku.lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-l>", "8l")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-h>", "8h")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-k>", "4k")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-j>", "4j")


All the actions you can see in the default mappings are also available as commands, eg:

:Sudoku insert=1
:Sudoku insert=2
:Sudoku insert=3
:Sudoku new_game
:Sudoku view=help
:Sudoku view=settings
:Sudoku view=tip
:Sudoku reset_game


License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%