jieyouxu / triage-util

Utility for rust-lang/rust triaging

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Utility for rust-lang/rust triaging.

Usage: triage-util <COMMAND>

  generate-config  Generate a default configuration file under the same directory as the executable [aliases: cfg]
  hydrate-form     Given a list of PR IDs, fetch their information, and generate a form with some of the information filled out. This information should be provided through the config file. You can specify the path for the template report [aliases: form]
  format-report    Format a PR triage report in markdown using information from a fully filled out form [aliases: report]
  help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Setup and Workflow

This utility is designed to only assist in your Pull request triage procedure. It will fetch some basic metadata for each PR you are interested in, and hydrate a form which allows you to manually input other required information. The util can then be used to generate a markdown report from the fully filled out form.

To perform a PR triage with this tool, you'll need to perform the following steps:

  1. Generate a config file with triage-util generate-config. A default config file will be created for you under the same directory as the executable.
  2. Acquire a GitHub personal access token with public_repo scope, and set the value of github_personal_access_token inside config.toml.
  3. Determine a set of pull requests (and specify their numbers in config.toml's pull_requests field) you wish to perform triage on, presumably using the Triagebot Dashboard, or via one of the following links:
  4. Run triage-util hydrate-form <output_form_path>, specifying the desired output path for the partially filled form.
  5. Fill in the missing mandatory information in the partially filled form.
  6. Run triage-util format-report <form_path> <output_report_path>, specifying the path to the aforementioned input form, and the desired output path for the Markdown report file, to generate the Markdown-formatted report.

Steps (1) and (2) are only required for first-time setups.


Due to toml-rs's strange Date handling for (de-)serialization, you'll need to double-quote the dates for last_activity_author and last_activity_assignee.


Example form (filled out)

# Valid status_label:
# - `S-waiting-for-author`
# - `S-waiting-for-review`
# - `S-blocked`
# Valid most_recent_activity:
# - `MergeConflicts`
# - `ReviewerCommented`
# - `AuthorCommittedOrCommented`
# - or any other strings

author = "bors"
assignees = ["ferrisClueless"]
status_label = "S-waiting-on-author"
last_activity_author = "1234-01-01"
last_activity_assignee = "5678-01-01"
waiting_on = "T-clueless"
most_recent_activity = "ReviewerCommented"

author = "ferris"
assignees = ["ferrisCluelesser"]
status_label = "S-waiting-on-review"
last_activity_author = "2024-01-01"
last_activity_assignee = "2025-01-01"
waiting_on = "The heat death of the universe"
most_recent_activity = "MergeConflicts"

Example report

### Pull request triage report (2024-02-18)

| PR number | Author | Assignees        | Status          | Last activity date (author) | Last activity date (assignee) | Waiting on                     | Most recent activity kind |
| #99790    | bors   | ferrisClueless   | WaitingOnAuthor | 1234-01-01                  | 5678-01-01                    | T-clueless                     | Reviewer commented        |
| #118569   | ferris | ferrisCluelesser | WaitingOnReview | 2024-01-01                  | 2025-01-01                    | The heat death of the universe | Merge conflicts           |


Utility for rust-lang/rust triaging

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%