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Retrieve, Read, Rerank: Towards End-to-End Multi-Document Reading Comprehension

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Retrieve, Read, Rerank: Towards End-to-End Multi-Document Reading Comprehension

This repo contains the code of the following paper:

Retrieve, Read, Rerank: Towards End-to-End Multi-Document Reading Comprehension. Minghao Hu, Yuxing Peng, Zhen Huang, Dongsheng Li. ACL 2019.

In this paper, we propose an end-to-end neural network for the multi-document reading comprehension task, which is shown as below:

This network consists of three components:

  • Early-stopped retriever
  • Distantly-supervised reader
  • Answer reranker

Given multiple documents, the network is designed to retrieve relevant document content, propose multiple answer candidates, and finally rerank these candidates. We utilize BERT to initialize our network. The whole network is trained end-to-end with a multi-task objective.

Pre-trained Models

To reproduce our results, we release the following pre-trained models:


Download the uncased BERT-Base model and unzip it in the current directory.


To run experiments on the SQuAD-document dataset, first set up the environment:

export DATA_DIR=data/squad
export BERT_DIR=bert-base-uncased

Make sure train-v1.1.json and dev-v1.1.json are placed in DATA_DIR.

Then run the following command to train the model:

python -m bert.run_squad_document_full_e2e \
  --vocab_file $BERT_DIR/vocab.txt \
  --bert_config_file $BERT_DIR/bert_config.json \
  --init_checkpoint $BERT_DIR/pytorch_model.bin \
  --do_train \
  --do_predict \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --train_file train-v1.1.json \
  --predict_file dev-v1.1.json \
  --train_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 3e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 2.0 \
  --output_dir out/squad_doc/01

In our experiment, the model was trained with 4 NVIDIA TESLA P100 (16GB memory per card). The training took nearly 22 hours to converge. If you do not have enough GPU capacity, you can change several hyper-parameters such as ( these changes might cause performance degradation.):

  • --train_batch_size: total batch size for training.
  • --n_para_train: the number of paragraph retrieved by TF-IDF during training (denoted as K in our paper).
  • --n_best_size_rank: the number of segments retrieved by early-stopped retriever (denoted as N in our paper).
  • --num_hidden_rank: the number of Transformer blocks used for retrieving (denoted as J in our paper).
  • --gradient_accumulation_steps: number of updates steps to accumulate before performing a backward/update pass.
  • --optimize_on_cpu: whether to perform optimization and keep the optimizer averages on CPU.

Finally, you can get a dev result from out/squad_doc/01/performance.txt like this:

Ranker, type: test, step: 19332, map: 0.891, mrr: 0.916, top_1: 0.880, top_3: 0.945, top_5: 0.969, top_7: 0.977, retrieval_rate: 0.558
Reader, type: test, step: 19332, test_em: 77.909, test_f1: 84.817


Once you have trained a model on document-level SQuAD, you can evaluate it on the open-domain version of SQuAD dataset.

First, download the pre-processed SQuAD-open dev set and place it in data/squad/

Then run the following command to evaluate the model:

python -m bert.run_squad_document_full_e2e \
  --vocab_file $BERT_DIR/vocab.txt \
  --bert_config_file $BERT_DIR/bert_config.json \
  --do_predict_open \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --output_dir out/squad_doc/01

You can get a dev result from out/squad_doc/01/performance.txt like this:

Ranker, type: test_open, step: 19332, map: 0.000, mrr: 0.000, top_1: 0.000, top_3: 0.000, top_5: 0.000, top_7: 0.000, retrieval_rate: 0.190
Reader, type: test_open, step: 19332, em: 40.123, f1: 48.358


Data Preprocessing

The raw TriviaQA data is expected to be unzipped in ~/data/triviaqa. Training or testing in the unfiltered setting requires the unfiltered data to be download to ~/data/triviaqa-unfiltered.

mkdir -p ~/data/triviaqa
cd ~/data/triviaqa
wget http://nlp.cs.washington.edu/triviaqa/data/triviaqa-rc.tar.gz
tar xf triviaqa-rc.tar.gz
rm triviaqa-rc.tar.gz

cd ~/data
wget http://nlp.cs.washington.edu/triviaqa/data/triviaqa-unfiltered.tar.gz
tar xf triviaqa-unfiltered.tar.gz
rm triviaqa-unfiltered.tar.gz

First tokenize evidence documents by

python -m triviaqa.evidence_corpus --n_processes 8 --max_tokens 200

where paragraphs that are less than 200 words are merged.

Then tokenize questions and locate relevant answers spans in each document. Run

python -m triviaqa.build_span_corpus {wiki|unfiltered} --n_processes 8

to build the desired set. This builds pkl files in "data/triviaqa/{wiki|unfiltered}"

Next, retrieve top-n paragraphs based on TF-IDF to construct the train and dev sets by

python -m triviaqa.ablate_triviaqa_wiki --n_processes 8 --n_para_train 12 --n_para_dev 14 --n_para_test 14 --do_train --do_dev --do_test
python -m triviaqa.ablate_triviaqa_unfiltered --n_processes 8 --n_para_train 12 --n_para_dev 14 --n_para_test 14 --do_train --do_dev --do_test

Wikipedia Domain

To run experiments on the TriviaQA-wiki dataset, first set up the environment:

export DATA_DIR=data/triviaqa/wiki
export BERT_DIR=bert-base-uncased

Then run the the following command to train the model:

python -m bert.run_triviaqa_wiki_full_e2e  \
  --vocab_file $BERT_DIR/vocab.txt \
  --bert_config_file $BERT_DIR/bert_config.json \
  --init_checkpoint $BERT_DIR/pytorch_model.bin \
  --do_train \
  --do_dev \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --train_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 3e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 2.0 \
  --output_dir out/triviaqa_wiki/01

Once the training is finished, a dev result can be obtained from out/triviaqa_wiki/01/performance.txt as:

Ranker, type: dev, step: 20088, map: 0.778, mrr: 0.849, top_1: 0.797, top_3: 0.888, top_5: 0.918, top_7: 0.932, retrieval_rate: 0.460
Reader, type: dev, step: 20088, em: 68.510, f1: 72.680

Unfiltered Domain

To run experiments on the TriviaQA-unfiltered dataset, first set up the environment:

export DATA_DIR=data/triviaqa/unfiltered
export BERT_DIR=bert-base-uncased

Then run the the following command to train the model:

python -m bert.run_triviaqa_wiki_full_e2e  \
  --vocab_file $BERT_DIR/vocab.txt \
  --bert_config_file $BERT_DIR/bert_config.json \
  --init_checkpoint $BERT_DIR/pytorch_model.bin \
  --do_train \
  --do_dev \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --train_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 3e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 2.0 \
  --output_dir out/triviaqa_unfiltered/01

Once the training is finished, a dev result can be obtained from out/triviaqa_unfiltered/01/performance.txt as:

Ranker, type: dev, step: 26726, map: 0.737, mrr: 0.781, top_1: 0.749, top_3: 0.806, top_5: 0.824, top_7: 0.831, retrieval_rate: 0.392
Reader, type: dev, step: 26726, em: 63.953, f1: 69.506


Some preprocessing codes were modified from the document-qa implementation.

The BERT implementation is based on pytorch-pretrained-BERT.

If you find the paper or this repository helpful in your work, please use the following citation:

  title={Retrieve, Read, Rerank: Towards End-to-End Multi-Document Reading Comprehension},
  author={Hu, Minghao and Peng, Yuxing and Huang, Zhen and Li, Dongsheng},
  booktitle={Proceedings of ACL},


Retrieve, Read, Rerank: Towards End-to-End Multi-Document Reading Comprehension

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%