jianyunt / xSQLServer

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The xSQLServer module contains DSC resources for deployment and configuration of SQL Server in a way that is fully compliant with the requirements of System Center.


Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.


  • xSQLServerSetup installs a standalone SQL Server instance
  • xSQLServerFirewall configures firewall settings to allow remote access to a SQL Server instance.
  • xSQLServerRSSecureConnectionLevel sets the secure connection level for SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • xSQLServerFailoverClusterSetup installs SQL Server failover cluster instances.
  • xSQLServerRSConfig configures SQL Server Reporting Services to use a database engine in another instance.
  • xSQLServerLogin resource to manage SQL logins
  • xSQLServerDatabaseRole resource to manage SQL database roles
  • xSQLServerDatabasePermissions resource to manage SQL database permissions
  • xSQLServerDatabaseOwner resource to manage SQL database owners
  • xSQLDatabaseRecoveryModel resource to manage database recovery model
  • xSQLServerMaxDop resource to manage MaxDegree of Parallism for SQL Server
  • xSQLServerMemory resource to manage Memory for SQL Server
  • xSQLServerPowerPlan resource to manage windows powerplan on SQL Server


  • SourcePath: (Required) UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
  • SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
  • SetupCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to perform the installation.
  • SourceCredential: Credential used to access SourcePath
  • SuppressReboot: Supresses reboot
  • ForceReboot: Forces Reboot
  • Features: (Key) SQL features to be installed.
  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to be installed.
  • InstanceID: SQL instance ID, if different from InstanceName.
  • PID: Product key for licensed installations.
  • UpdateEnabled: Enabled updates during installation.
  • UpdateSource: Source of updates to be applied during installation.
  • SQMReporting: Enable customer experience reporting.
  • ErrorReporting: Enable error reporting.
  • InstallSharedDir: Installation path for shared SQL files.
  • InstallSharedWOWDir: Installation path for x86 shared SQL files.
  • InstanceDir: Installation path for SQL instance files.
  • SQLSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL service.
  • SQLSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL service.
  • AgtSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL Agent service.
  • AgtSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL Agent service.
  • SQLCollation: Collation for SQL.
  • SQLSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made SQL administrators.
  • SecurityMode: SQL security mode.
  • SAPwd: SA password, if SecurityMode=SQL.
  • InstallSQLDataDir: Root path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBDir: Path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBLogDir: Path for SQL log files.
  • SQLTempDBDir: Path for SQL TempDB files.
  • SQLTempDBLogDir: Path for SQL TempDB log files.
  • SQLBackupDir: Path for SQL backup files.
  • FTSvcAccount: Service account for the Full Text service.
  • FTSvcAccountUsername: Output username for the Full Text service.
  • RSSvcAccount: Service account for Reporting Services service.
  • RSSvcAccountUsername: Output username for the Reporting Services service.
  • ASSvcAccount: Service account for Analysus Services service.
  • ASSvcAccountUsername: Output username for the Analysis Services service.
  • ASCollation: Collation for Analysis Services.
  • ASSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made Analysis Services admins.
  • ASDataDir: Path for Analysis Services data files.
  • ASLogDir: Path for Analysis Services log files.
  • ASBackupDir: Path for Analysis Services backup files.
  • ASTempDir: Path for Analysis Services temp files.
  • ASConfigDir: Path for Analysis Services config.
  • ISSvcAccount: Service account for Integration Services service.
  • ISSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the Integration Services service.


  • Ensure: (Key) Ensures that SQL firewall rules are Present or Absent on the machine.
  • SourcePath: (Required) UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
  • SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
  • Features: (Key) SQL features to enable firewall rules for.
  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to enable firewall rules for.
  • DatabaseEngineFirewall: Is the firewall rule for the Database Engine enabled?
  • BrowserFirewall: Is the firewall rule for the Browser enabled?
  • ReportingServicesFirewall: Is the firewall rule for Reporting Services enabled?
  • AnalysisServicesFirewall: Is the firewall rule for Analysis Services enabled?
  • IntegrationServicesFirewall: Is the firewall rule for the Integration Services enabled?


  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to set secure connection level for.
  • SecureConnectionLevel: (Key) SQL Server Reporting Service secure connection level.
  • Credential: (Required) Credential with administrative permissions to the SQL instance.


  • Action: (Key) { Prepare | Complete }
  • SourcePath: (Required) UNC path to the root of the source files for installation.
  • SourceFolder: Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.
  • SetupCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to perform the installation.
  • SourceCredential: Credential to be used to access SourcePath
  • SuppressReboot: Supresses reboot
  • ForceReboot: Forces Reboot
  • Features: (Required) SQL features to be installed.
  • InstanceName: (Key) SQL instance to be installed.
  • InstanceID: SQL instance ID, if different from InstanceName.
  • PID: Product key for licensed installations.
  • UpdateEnabled: Enabled updates during installation.
  • UpdateSource: Source of updates to be applied during installation.
  • SQMReporting: Enable customer experience reporting.
  • ErrorReporting: Enable error reporting.
  • FailoverClusterGroup: Name of the resource group to be used for the SQL Server failover cluster.
  • FailoverClusterNetworkName: (Required) Network name for the SQL Server failover cluster.
  • FailoverClusterIPAddress: IPv4 address for the SQL Server failover cluster.
  • InstallSharedDir: Installation path for shared SQL files.
  • InstallSharedWOWDir: Installation path for x86 shared SQL files.
  • InstanceDir: Installation path for SQL instance files.
  • SQLSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL service.
  • SQLSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL service.
  • AgtSvcAccount: Service account for the SQL Agent service.
  • AgtSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the SQL Agent service.
  • SQLCollation: Collation for SQL.
  • SQLSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made SQL administrators.
  • SecurityMode: SQL security mode.
  • SAPwd: SA password, if SecurityMode=SQL.
  • InstallSQLDataDir: Root path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBDir: Path for SQL database files.
  • SQLUserDBLogDir: Path for SQL log files.
  • SQLTempDBDir: Path for SQL TempDB files.
  • SQLTempDBLogDir: Path for SQL TempDB log files.
  • SQLBackupDir: Path for SQL backup files.
  • ASSvcAccount: Service account for Analysis Services service.
  • ASSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the Analysis Services service.
  • ASCollation: Collation for Analysis Services.
  • ASSysAdminAccounts: Array of accounts to be made Analysis Services admins.
  • ASDataDir: Path for Analysis Services data files.
  • ASLogDir: Path for Analysis Services log files.
  • ASBackupDir: Path for Analysis Services backup files.
  • ASTempDir: Path for Analysis Services temp files.
  • ASConfigDir: Path for Analysis Services config.
  • ISSvcAccount: Service account for Integration Services service.
  • ISSvcAccountUsername: Output user name for the Integration Services service.
  • ISFileSystemFolder: File system folder for Integration Services.


  • InstanceName: (Key) Name of the SQL Server Reporting Services instance to be configured.
  • RSSQLServer: (Required) Name of the SQL Server to host the Reporting Service database.
  • RSSQLInstanceName: (Required) Name of the SQL Server instance to host the Reporting Service database.
  • SQLAdminCredential: (Required) Credential to be used to perform the configuration.
  • IsInitialized: Output is the Reporting Services instance initialized.


  • Name: (Key) Name of the SQL Login to create
  • LoginCredential: PowerShell Credential for the SQL Login to be created
  • LoginType: Type of SQL login to create.(SQL, WindowsUser, WindowsGroup)
  • SQLServer: SQL Server where login should be created
  • SQLInstance: SQL Instance for the login


  • Name: (Key) Name of the SQL Login or the role on the database
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstanceName: The SQL Instance for the database
  • Database: The SQL Database for the role
  • Role: The SQL role for the database


  • Database: (Key) The SQL Database
  • Name: (Required) The name of permissions for the SQL database
  • Permissions: (Required) The set of Permissions for the SQL database
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstanceName: The SQL instance for the database


  • Database: (Key) The SQL Database
  • Name: (Required) The name of the SQL login for the owner
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database


  • DatabaseName: (key) The SQL database name
  • SQLServerInstance: (Required) The SQL server and instance
  • RecoveryModel: (Required) Recovery Model (Full, Simple, BulkLogged)


  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if Min and Max memory is configured
  • DyamicAlloc: (key) Flag to indicate if MaxDop is dynamically configured
  • MaxDop: Numeric value to configure MaxDop to
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database


  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if Min and Max memory is configured
  • DyamicAlloc: (key) Flag to indicate if Memory is dynamically configured
  • MinMemory: Minimum memory value to set SQL Server memory to
  • MaxMemory: Maximum memory value to set SQL Server memory to
  • SQLServer: The SQL Server for the database
  • SQLInstance: The SQL instance for the database


  • Ensure: (key) An enumerated value that describes if Min and Max memory is configured


<<<<<<< HEAD


  • xSQLServerSetup
    • Change SourceFolder to Source to allow for multiversion Support
    • Add Source Credential for accessing source files
    • Add Paramaters for SQL Server configuration
    • Add Paramaters to SuppressReboot or ForceReboot
  • xSQLServerRSSecureConnectionLevel
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
  • xSQLServerRSConfig
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
  • xSQLServerFirewall
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
    • Change SourceFolder to Source to allow for multiversion Support
  • xSQLServerFailoverClusterSetup
    • Additional of SQLHelper Function and error handling
    • Change SourceFolder to Source to allow for multiversion Support
    • Add Paramaters to SuppressReboot or ForceReboot
  • Resources Added
    • xSQLDatabaseReoveryModeAdded
    • xSQLServerDatabaseOwner
    • xSQLServerDatabasePermissions
    • xSQLServerDatabaseRole
    • xSQLServerLogin
    • xSQLServerMaxDop
    • xSQLServerMemory
    • xSQLServerPowerPlan =======


  • xSQLServerSetup:
    • Corrected bug in GetFirstItemPropertyValue to correctly handle registry keys with only one value.


  • xSqlServerSetup:
    • Make Features case-insensitive.

  • Increased timeout for setup process to start to 60 seconds.

  • Updated release with the following new resources
    • xSQLServerFailoverClusterSetup
    • xSQLServerRSConfig

  • Initial release with the following resources
    • xSQLServerSetup
    • xSQLServerFirewall
    • xSQLServerRSSecureConnectionLevel


Examples for use of this resource can be found with the System Center resources, such as xSCVMM, xSCSMA, and xSCOM.


License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%