jiangxiluning / allennlp-distributed-training

Experiments to benchmark AllenNLP distributed training.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo holds code/config for running example AllenNLP experiments with DistributedDataParallel support. The training_config directory has two versions of the same set of experiments. The ones in distributed_data_parallel directory mostly differs with the dataset readers. The dataset readers are replicas of the original ones in AllenNLP, with a minor modification to support distributed sampling.

To run the distributed experiments install AllenNLP from this fork @ https://github.com/scarecrow1123/allennlp/tree/torch-distributed.

conda create -n allennlp_distributed python=3.7
conda activate allennlp_distributed
git clone https://github.com/scarecrow1123/allennlp
cd allennlp
git checkout -b ddp-3 
pip install .

allennlp train training_config/distributed_data_parallel/esim.jsonnet --include-package distributed-training -s output/

To run without distributed setup, do the usual AllenNLP installation and use experiments in training_config/ data_parallel/

Speed Comparison: Time taken to train one epoch (averaged over 3 epochs)

GPU - 2080 Ti

NOTE: The time reported does not correspond to the training_duration metric. This is the time taken by the Trainer._train_epoch method.

Experiment Single GPU 2x Data Parallel 2x Distributed 4x Data Parallel 4x Distributed
esim.jsonnet (400K SNLI samples) 4m 15s NA NA 4m 30s 2m 13s
bidaf.jsonnet 5m 44s NA NA 4m 10s 2m 5s


Experiments to benchmark AllenNLP distributed training.


Language:Jsonnet 66.5%Language:Python 33.5%