jiangfeng1124 / TypologyParser

Working Hard or Hardly Working: Challenges of Integrating Typology into Neural Dependency Parsers

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Typology Augmented Cross-Lingual Parsing

Code for Working Hard or Hardly Working: Challenges of Integrating Typology into Neural Dependency Parsers.




This repository requires Linux/OSX and Python 3 (tested on 3.7). It also requires installing PyTorch version 1.0. Its other dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. GPU/CUDA support is strongly recommended for speed, but is not necessary.

Run the following commands to clone the repository and install the package:

git clone https://github.com/ajfisch/TypologyParser.git
cd TypologyParser; pip install Cython; pip install -r requirements.txt; python setup.py develop

Data Download

The experiments in the paper were conducted using the Universal Dependencies v1.2 and the Galactic Dependencies v1.0 datasets.

To download Universal Dependencies and convert it to the expected format, run:


This will download the 37 UD treebanks and put them in data/ud_v1.2, organized in sub-directories by ISO code:

├── ar
|  ├── test.conllu
|  ├── train.conllu
|  └── valid.conllu
├── ...
├── ta
    ├── test.conllu
    ├── train.conllu
    └── valid.conllu

To download Galactic Dependencies and convert it to the expected format, follow the instructions at https://github.com/gdtreebank/gdtreebank to download and extract the treebanks (only the substrates for training languages are needed).

Then run:

python preprocess/convert_gd.py \
  --langs cs es fr hi de it la_itt no ar pt en nl da fi got grc et la_proiel grc_proiel bg \
  --input-dir <path/to/gd> \
  --output-dir data/gd_v1.0

This will create a directory named data/gd_v1.0 with 8,820 GD languages:

├── gd_ar
|  ├── train.conllu
|  └── train.hdf5
├── ...
├── gd_pt~pt@V
    ├── train.conllu
    └── train.hdf5

The train.hdf5 files contain preprocessed versions (tensorized) of the treebanks, and allow for fairly quick disk-based random access during training.

The typology features used in the experiments are provided in the typologies directory. The original (discrete, human-readable) WALS features can be found in typologies/wals_mapping_udv1.pkl.gz.


Training Parsers with Typology

The experiments/parsing_experiment.py script is the main script for launching experiments.

Run it as:

python experiments/parsing_experiment.py

With arguments:

--output-dir Parent directory to write job logs and models to.
--main Script to run (e.g. train_baseline.py)
--udv1-dir Path to UD version 1.2 directory (data/ud_v1.2).
--split {full,cv} Full=test set, CV=5-fold cross validation on training.
--seeds Number of runs in parallel to execute with different random seeds.
--args ... Extra arguments passed to the main script.

This will print out a command, or a list of commands, to execute. You can then execute it via eval $(...) or by piping into the experiments/launch.py script which reads in the commands and schedules them across your available GPUs (specified with --devices).

Running with Galactic Dependencies

If testing with GD, please add the flag --gd-patterns '"data/gd_v1.0/*"' to add all of the GD languages into training. To use a different subset, specify a different list of glob patterns (e.g. --gd-patterns data/gd_v1.0/gd_it~*~en@V data/gd_v1.0/gd_de~pt@N*).

By default, the training routine will sample a batch from UD languages with probability beta and from GD languages with probability 1 - beta. Set the flag --beta to change this.

Best practices:

  • UD data is loaded into memory whereas GD data is read from disk. For best speed performance, set the number of asyncronous data loading processes to 10-20 via --num-workers 20.
  • Increase the steps between evaluations by setting --eval-interval to 10-20K.
  • Get better stability for the longer training times with Adam by enabling amsgrad and increasing eps by setting --optimizer adam,amsgrad=true,eps=1e-3.


  • Typology as Quantization
  • Corpus-Specific Typology
  • Predicting Typology from Embeddings
  • Typology vs. Parser Transferability


Please cite the EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 paper if you use this in your work:

  title={Working Hard or Hardly Working: Challenges of Integrating Typology into Neural Dependency Parsers},
  author={Fisch, Adam and Guo, Jiang and Barzilay, Regina},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},


Working Hard or Hardly Working: Challenges of Integrating Typology into Neural Dependency Parsers


Language:Python 74.6%Language:Perl 25.2%Language:Shell 0.3%