jialeli1 / From-Voxel-to-Point

"From Voxel to Point: IoU-guided 3D Object Detection for Point Cloud with Voxel-to-Point Decoder" and "Anchor-free 3D Single Stage Detector with Mask-Guided Attention for Point Cloud" in ACM MM 2021.

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range-based evaluation metric on waymo

Yzichen opened this issue · comments

Hi, how could I get the BEV and range-based evaluation metric on waymo? It maybe look like the AP on [0, 35m), [35m, 50m), [50m, +inf) in the paper.

If you use the waymo-eval-tool from OpenPCDet, you can modify the breakdown_generator_ids in function build_config() to get different evaluation metrics. For example, OBJECT_TYPE, RANGE, TYPE_2D (for BEV AP), TYPE_3D (for 3D AP).

If you submit your results to the official waymo online server, you can get all metrics at once.

Thank you! I'm looking forward your release of your code!