jiakanglee / lzufly.github.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hugo FixIt Blog Template (Go)

This is a quick start template for Hugo theme FixIt. It uses Hugo Modules feature to load the theme.

It comes with a basic theme structure and configuration. GitHub action has been set up to deploy the theme to a public GitHub page automatically. Also, there's a cron job to update the theme automatically everyday.

  1. Click Use this template, and create your repository on GitHub.
  2. Once the repository is created, just clone and enjoy it!

Directory structure

▸ .github/       # GitHub configuration
▸ archetypes/    # page archetypes (like scaffolds of archetypes)
▸ assets/        # css, js, third-party libraries etc.
▸ config/        # configuration files
▸ content/       # markdown files for hugo project
▸ data/          # blog data (allow: yaml, json, toml), e.g. friends.yml
▸ public/        # build directory
▸ static/        # static files, e.g. favicon.ico
▸ themes/        # theme submodules
▸ go.mod
▸ go.sum

Quick Start

Quick Start


Just install latest version of Hugo(>= 0.109.0) for your OS (Windows, Linux, macOS).

Clone Template

Clone with your own repository url

git clone --recursive git@github.com:hugo-fixit/hugo-fixit-blog-go.git

Afterwards you can upgrade the theme with the following command:

# Update theme manually
hugo mod get -u github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt
hugo mod tidy

Launching the Site

# Development environment
hugo server --disableFastRender --navigateToChanged --bind
# Production environment
hugo server --disableFastRender --navigateToChanged --environment production --bind
Start via NPM script
# build the blog
npm run build
# run a local debugging server with watch
npm run server
# run a local debugging server in production environment
npm run server:production
# update theme submodules
npm run update:theme

Build the Site

When your site is ready to deploy, run the following command:


For a complete quick start, see this page.
