jhn-nt / data-snax

Versatile Data Ingestion Pipelines for Jax

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Versatile data ingestion pipelines for jax

The pun is very intended.

version python


pip install "git+https://github.com/jhn-nt/data-snax.git"

For the nightly install:

pip install "git+https://github.com/jhn-nt/data-snax.git@experimental"

What is SNAX?

snax (pronounced snacs) is a lightweight python library written in jax to accomodate jax-based model data injestion needs. Developed with jax in mind, it offers a simple interface to quickly plug, transform, combine and batch data. Infact, snax leverages jax primitives thus inherting its lightning speed.

But why?

More than a necessity, snax aims at improving general quality of life when working with data loaders in jax, citing the docs:

"There are already a lot of great data loaders out there, so let’s just use them instead of reinventing anything."

However, to naively use tf.data.Dataset in conjuction with jax as suggested by the devs may raise some nuisances, particularly:

  1. Memory conflicts: both tensorflow and jax try to allocate all available vRAM, which my cause one or the other not work properly.
  2. Type casting: All tensors should be cast to the appropriate equivalent type in jax.

Again, these issues may be avoided with some research on stack overflow, morever tf.data.Dataset was developed by the tensorflow team and had been tested thorugly on many scenarios.
But for tasks that can run on your machine, snax is a quick alternative to dive in jax without worrying about unneccessary details.

Well then, but how does it work?

If you are familiar with how tf.data works then there is not much more for you to learn:
snax aims to replicate as closely as possible the API and behavior of tf.data in order to maintain compatibility with its legacy.
Instead of tf.data.Dataset there is snax.data.Dataset, instead of tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices there is snax.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices et cetera.

import snax as sn
import tensorflow as tf

X_y=(X,y) # some random dataset

# creating a dataset from tensors
sn_dataset=sn.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(X_y) # snax
tf_dataset=tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(X_y) # tensorflow

# applying transformations
sn_dataset=sn_dataset.map(lambda x,y: (x**2,y)).skip(10000) # snax
tf_dataset=tf_dataset.map(lambda x,y: (x**2,y)).skip(10000) # tensorflow

# consuming the data
for batch in sn_dataset.batch(32): # snax

for batch in tf_dataset.batch(32): # tensorflow

If not familir with these APIs I suggest to read through the tensorflow tutorials first, which are exceptionally well documented.

Additionally snax also supports a limited portfolio of datasets offered via tensorflow_datasets in its snax.datasets module which I hope to extend in the future.

import snax.datasets as snds
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

# loading a dataset
sn_dataset=snds.load("mnist") # snax
tf_dataset=tfds.load("mnist") # tensorflow

Accellerating data trasformation with snax.jit()

jax introduces several new features, amongst which the abilty to jit functions.
jax.jit() particularly shines (more here) when applied to complex functions that needs to be called many times, for example with complex models or for transformations applied to data batches.
snax.data.Dataset supports jax.jit via the jit() method which jits all mapped transformations in one single encapsulation hence increasing by a significant margin the rate of data injestion.
This feature is most useful when applied after one or more map calls.

import snax as sn
import snax.datasets as snds
import flax.linen as nn
import jax.numpy as jnp


# defining a preprocessing function with some casting and matrix multiplication
def processing(input):
  return {"image":nn.relu(jnp.matmul(x,W)),"label":input["label"]}

# creating a dataset from tensors
jitted_sn_dataset=sn_dataset.jit() # boosting performance

In a small scale testing experiment, the use of snax.jit() increased speed on average by 64% compared to tf.data.Dataset and by 75% compared to vanilla snax.data.Dataset. comparisons

A note on performance

snax.data.Dataset can iterate through batches with impressive speed, even more when leveraging snax.jit(). It is to note however that snax.data.Dataset cannot replace tf.data.Dataset since it cannot scale as tf.data.Dataset and it is not as stable as tf.data.Dataset. Infact, the stability of tf.data.Dataset is impressive, even when changing batch sizes by an order magnitude the time to iterate over a batch changes on average only by .10 seconds, wow.

Differences between snax.data.Dataset and tf.data.Dataset

In this current version it supports:

  1. map: behavior is similar to that of tf.data.Dataset.map
  2. take: behavior is similar to that of tf.data.Dataset.take
  3. skip: behavior is similar to that of tf.data.Dataset.skip
  4. zip: behavior is similar to that of tf.data.Dataset.zip
  5. batch: similar behavior to that of tf.data.Dataset.batch
  6. apply: similar behavior to that of tf.data.Dataset.apply
  7. shuffle: behavior is similar to tf.data.Dataset.shuffle but with different input signature, instead of a buffer_size it requires a jax.random.PRNGKey.
import snax as sn
import tensorflow as tf
from jax.random import PRNGKey

X_y=(X,y) # some random dataset

# creating a dataset from tensors
sn_dataset=sn.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(X_y) # snax
tf_dataset=tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(X_y) # tensorflow

# difference in `shuffle` behavior
sn_dataset=sn_dataset.shuffle(PRNGKey(0)) # snax
tf_dataset=tf_dataset.shuffle(1024) # tensorflow

What it does not yet support:

  1. from_generator
  2. concatenate
  3. bucket_by_sequence_length
  4. filter

A brief history of SNAX

As soon as I came up with the name snax while thinking about how geniously named is deep-mind rlax, I realized I had to release a jax injestion package with such a name.
I figured how to do it afterward.


snax was developed as an excercise to learn bits of the jax ecosystem and perhaps for the enjoyment of the community.
It does not have any professional ambition nor does it hold any technical or scientific quality to be so.

Feel free to contribute



Versatile Data Ingestion Pipelines for Jax

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%