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Prometheus configuration tweaks

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Prometheus configuration for M-Lab.

Deploying Prometheus to Kubernetes

The following instructions presume there is already a kubernetes cluster created in a GCP project and the cluster is accessible with kubectl.

See the container engine quickstart guide for a simple howto.

Creating a cluster for Prometheus


To support service discovery across GCP, the cloud-platform scope is currently necessary.

gcloud container \
  --project "mlab-sandbox" clusters create "prometheus-federation" \
  --zone "us-central1-a" \
  --machine-type=n1-standard-8 \
  --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" \
  --num-nodes 3 \
  --enable-autorepair --enable-autoupgrade \

Upgrade deployment resource limits

To increase the resources assigned to the prometheus server or the set of all services, you may need a larger node pool.

gcloud --project=mlab-staging container node-pools create default-pool-N \
  --cluster=prometheus-federation \
  --num-nodes=3 \
  --zone=us-east1-c \
  --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" \
  --node-labels=prometheus-node=true \
  --enable-autorepair --enable-autoupgrade \

Adjust the project, cluster name, and zone as appropriate. If the cluster is using static public IPs, use the same zone as the current cluster; static IPs are associated with a single zone. It is necessary to configure a static IP by going to:

GCP -> VPC Networking -> External IP Addresses

and then configure Cloud DNS for your {grafana, prometheus, alertmanager}.<cluster>.measurementlab.net subdomains to point at that IP address:

GCP -> Network Services -> Cloud DNS

in order for automatic TLS certificates to be generated.

Then update the resource "request" and "limit" in the appropriate deployment configuration, as well as the IP address:


It may also be necessary to update the:

GCP -> Networking -> Load Balancer -> Backend

to include the new node pool. Otherwise, network requests will appear to hang.

Also, k8s may fail to detach a peristent volume from one node pool and make it available to the other. This will manifest as a deployment's pod 'CreatingContainer' indefinitely. And, the kubectl get events will include related error messages.

Within an existing cluster

No special scopes are required for the prometheus cluster configuration. However, node labels can only be added to a new node group using the command line.

For very large number of time series (e.g. production scraper) a highmem node pool is necessary.

gcloud --project=mlab-oti container node-pools create prometheus-pool \
  --cluster=scraper-cluster \
  --num-nodes=2 \
  --zone=us-central1-a \
  --node-labels=prometheus-node=true \
  --enable-autorepair --enable-autoupgrade \


Since k8s version 1.6, stricter access controls are the default.

Please understand the RBAC permission model and the objects they apply to.

Before you can run either of the apply-cluster.sh or apply-global-prometheus.sh scripts, your user account must have the cluster-admin role.

To assign this role:

  • You may assign yourself the 'cluster-admin' role directly for the cluster.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding additional-cluster-admins \
    --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
  • You should assign the travis service account deployer as the cluster-admin.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding additional-cluster-admins \
    --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

Using Kubernetes config files

Kubernetes config files preserve a deployment configuration and provide a convenient mechanism for review and automated deployments.

Some steps cannot be automated. For example, while a LoadBalancer can automatically assign a public IP address to a service, it will not (yet) update corresponding DNS records for that IP address. So, we must reserve a static IP through the Cloud Console interface first.

Also, note: Only one GKE cluster at a time can use the static IPs allocated in the k8s/.../services.yml files. If you are using an additional GKE cluster (e.g. in mlab-sandbox project), update the services yaml files to use the new static IP allocation.


Many services like prometheus provide canonical docker images published to Dockerhub (or other registry). We can customize the deployment by changing the configuration at run time using ConfigMaps. For detailed background see the official docs.

Create the ConfigMap for prometheus (only create a ConfigMap for one of cluster or federation, not both):

TODO(soltesz): move environment variables (like gcloud-project) to a separate directory.

# For federation.
kubectl create configmap prometheus-federation-config \
    --from-literal=gcloud-project=mlab-sandbox \

# For cluster.
kubectl create configmap prometheus-cluster-config \

Although the flag is named --from-file, it accepts a directory. With this flag, kubernetes creates a ConfigMap with keys equal to the filenames, and values equal to the content of the file.

kubectl describe configmap prometheus-cluster-config

  Name:       prometheus-cluster-config
  Namespace:  default
  Labels:     <none>
  Annotations:    <none>

  prometheus.yml: 9754 bytes

We can now refer to this ConfigMap in the "deployment" configuration later. For example, k8s/mlab-sandbox/prometheus-federation/deployments/prometheus.yml uses a configmap as a volume so that the config file config/federation/prometheus.yml appears under /etc/prometheus.

For example, this will look something like (with abbreviated configuration):

- containers:
      # /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml should contain the M-Lab Prometheus
      # config.
      - mountPath: /etc/prometheus
        # This name refers to the 'volumes.name'
        name: prometheus-config
  - name: prometheus-config
      # This name refers to the configmap name.
      name: prometheus-federation-config

Note: Configmaps only support text data. Secrets may be an alternative for binary data. kubernetes/kubernetes#32432

Verify that a ConfigMap is Mounted

When a pod has mounted a configmap (or other resource), it is visible in the "Volume Mounts" status reported by kubectl describe.

For example (with abbreviated output):

podname=$( kubectl get pods -o name --selector='run=prometheus-server' )
kubectl describe ${podname}
      Image:              prom/prometheus:v1.5.2
      Port:               9090/TCP
      Volume Mounts:
        /etc/prometheus from prometheus-cluster-config (rw)
        /legacy-targets from prometheus-storage (rw)
        /prometheus from prometheus-storage (rw)

Update a ConfigMap

When the content of a configmap value needs to change, you can either delete and create the configmap object (not ideal), or replace the new configuration all at once.

kubectl create configmap prometheus-federation-config --from-file=prometheus \
    --dry-run -o json | kubectl apply -f -

After updating a configmap, any pods that use this configmap will need to be restarted for the change to take effect.

podname=$( kubectl get pods -o name --selector='run=prometheus-server' )
kubectl delete ${podname}

The deployment replica set will automatically recreate the pod and the new prometheus server will use the updated configmap. This is a known issue: kubernetes/kubernetes#13488

Preferably the process (like prometheus) will support a 'reload' operation. However, it can take several minutes for the configmap to be updated from the perspective of the container. So, do not run reload until the configmap is up to date. (TODO: how to confirm this from outside the container?)

Using Kubernetes Secrets

Secrets are like ConfigMaps in that they can be a source for environment variables and volume mounts. Unlike ConfigMaps, secrets contain confidential material, like certificates, passwords, access tokens, or similar.

Grafana secrets

The Grafana configuration needs a pre-defined password for the admin user. Create one using a command like this:

kubectl create secret generic grafana-secrets \
    --from-literal=admin-password=[redacted text]

To recover the password:

kubectl get secrets -o jsonpath="${jsonpath}" | base64 --decode && echo ''

Create deployment

Before beginning, verify that you are operating on the correct kubernetes cluster.

Then, update k8s/mlab-sandbox/prometheus-federation/deployments/prometheus.yml to reference the current stable prometheus container tag. Now, deploy the service.

Create a storage class for GCE persistent disks:

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/persistentvolumes/storage-class.yml

Create a persistent volume claim that Prometheus will bind to:

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/persistentvolumes/persistent-volumes.yml

Note: Persistent volume claims are intended to exist longer than pods. This allows persistent disks to be dynamically allocated and preserved across pod creations and deletions.

Create a service using the public IP address that will send traffic to pods with the label "run=prometheus-server":

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluser-name>/services

Cluster deployment

The cluster and federation deployments are mutually exclusive. Do not deploy both to the same cluster.

Create the prometheus cluster deployment for scraper or other stand-alone cluster deployments. This step starts the actual prometheus server. The deployment will receive traffic from the service defined above and binds to the persistent volume claim. If a persistent volume does not already exist, this will create a new one. It will be automatically formatted.

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/scraper-cluster/deployments/prometheus.yml

Federation deployment

The cluster and federation deployments are mutually exclusive. Do not deploy both to the same cluster.

The federation deployment is a super-set of the prometheus cluster deployment. It is designed to monitor the local cluster as well as aggregate metrics from other prometheus clusters.

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/prometheus.yml

Check deployment

After completing the above steps, you can view the status of all objects using something like:

kubectl get services,deployments,pods,configmaps,secrets,pvc,pv,events

kubectl get is your friend. See also kubectl describe for even more details.

Custom Targets

With the M-Lab configuration, we can add or remove two kinds of targets at runtime: legacy and federation targets.

Using the file service discovery configuration, we create a JSON or YAML input file in the correct form, and copy the file into the pod filesystem.

For example:

        "labels": {
            "service": "sidestream"
        "targets": [

Copy file(s) to the correct directory in the prometheus pod.

podname=$( kubectl get pods -o name --selector='run=prometheus-server' )
kubectl cp <filename.json> ${podname##*/}:${DIRECTORY}

To look at the available files the target directory:

kubectl exec -c prometheus-server -t ${podname##*/} -- /bin/ls -l ${DIRECTORY}

Within five minutes, any file ending with *.json or *.yaml will be scanned and the new targets should be reported by the prometheus server.

Legacy Targets

For legacy targets (e.g. sidestream), copy the JSON file into the prometheus container under the /legacy-targets directory.

In the Prometheus server, targets are listed under:

  • Status -> Targets -> "legacy-targets"

Federation Targets

For federation targets (i.e. other prometheus services), copy the file to the prometheus container under the /federation-targets directory.

In the Prometheus server, targets are listed under:

  • Status -> Targets -> "federation-targets"

Delete deployment

Delete the prometheus deployment:

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/prometheus.yml

Since the prometheus pod is no longer running, clients connecting to the public IP address will try to load but fail. If we also delete the service, then traffic will stop being forwarded from the public IP altogether.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster name>/services

Even if the prometheus deployment is not running, the persistent volume keeps the data around. If the cluster is destroyed or if the persistent volume claim is deleted, the automatically created disk image will be garbage collected and deleted. At that point all data will be lost.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/persistentvolumes/persistent-volumes.yml

Delete the storage class.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/persistentvolumes/storage-class.yml

ConfigMaps are managed explicitly for now:

kubectl delete configmap prometheus-cluster-config
kubectl delete configmap prometheus-federation-config

Now, kubectl get should not include any of the above objects.

kubectl get services,deployments,pods,configmaps,pvc,pv



Create ConfigMaps for grafana:

kubectl create configmap grafana-config \
kubectl create configmap grafana-env \
    --from-literal=domain=<static ip address allocated from GCP console>

Note: the domain may be the public IP address, if there is no DNS name yet.

Create a secret to contain the Grafana admin password:

kubectl create secret generic grafana-secrets \
    --from-literal=admin-password=[redacted text]

Finally, Create the grafana deployment. Like the prometheus deployment, this step starts the grafana server.

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/grafana.yml


For now, we must login to the Grafana web interface and add a datasource corresponding to the local prometheus server. It may be possible to automate this in the future. Either way, this step should not be necessary too many times since /var/lib/grafana is a persistent volume.

The steps are:

  • Login to grafana as 'admin' using the password chosen above.
  • Click "Add data source."
  • Name the source, e.g. "Prometheus"
  • Select the Type as "Prometheus"
  • Use a public URI corresponding to the service name, i.e. http://status.mlab-sandbox.measurementlab.net:9090 The name provided must be a fully qualified URL. You may also use the public IP.
  • Leave the Access as "proxy"
  • Click "Add"


Delete the grafana deployment.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/grafana.yml

Delete the grafana configmaps:

kubectl delete configmap grafana-config
kubectl delete configmap grafana-env

Delete the grafana secrets:

kubectl delete secret grafana-secrets


The alertmanager configuration depends on the shared service and persistent volume configurations. If those are already loaded, then continue to the steps below.

Also, note: the alertmanager service will do nothing unless the prometheus deployment includes the command line argument that directs alerts to this instance of the alertmanager. i.e. -alertmanager.url=http://bobloblaw.com:9093


If you're setting up the alertmanager for the first time, copy config.yml.template to create config.yml and update the api_uri entries with real values. See the template comments for how to do that.

Create the configmaps for alertmanager:

kubectl create configmap alertmanager-config \

kubectl create configmap alertmanager-env \
    --from-literal=external-url=http://<public ip address>:9093

Create the alertmanager deployment.

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/alertmanager.yml


Delete the deployment.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/alertmanager.yml

Delete the configmaps.

kubectl delete configmap alertmanager-config
kubectl delete configmap alertmanage-env

Github Receiver

The github receiver implements the Alertmanager Webhook API. So, Alertmanager can send alerts to the github receiver and they are converted into Github issues.

The github receiver authenticates using Github access tokens. Generate a new one at: https://github.com/settings/tokens

Actions authenticated using the token will be associated with your account.

Note: only one github receiver should target a given github repository.


Create the secrets for the github receiver:

kubectl create secret generic github-secrets \

Create the service and deployment:

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-oti/<cluster-name>/services/github-receiver-service.yml
kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-oti/<cluster-name>/deployments/github-receiver.yml


Delete the service and deployment.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-oti/<cluster-name>/services/github-receiver-service.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-oti/<cluster-name>/deployments/github-receiver.yml

Delete the secrets:

kubectl delete secret github-secrets

Blackbox exporter

The blackbox exporter allows probes of endpoints over HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TCP and ICMP.

Targets are declared in an input file like legacy targets, however blackbox targets require specifying a "module". The module name must match a module defined in config/federation/blackbox/config.yml. Different modules have different format requirements on the targets (e.g. some with ports, some without).

        "labels": {
            "module": "ssh_v4_online",
            "service": "sshalt"
        "targets": [

A single input file can define a list of configurations, each with a different "module" and independent list of targets.


Create the configmaps for the blackbox exporter:

kubectl create configmap blackbox-config \

Create the blackbox exporter deployment.

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/blackbox.yml


Delete the deployment.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/blackbox.yml

Delete the configmaps.

kubectl delete configmap blackbox-config


A prometheus push gateway are useful for short-lived processes, or processes that are not network accessible by the prometheus server.

Note that push gateways have limitations. So, consider this an option of last resort and understand the limits before proceeding.

For more information, see: https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway#prometheus-pushgateway


The pushgateway has no configuration file or persistent state. Create the deployment.

kubectl create -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/pushgateway.yml


Delete the deployment.

kubectl delete -f k8s/mlab-sandbox/<cluster-name>/deployments/pushgateway.yml

Debugging the steps above

Public IP appears to hang

After kubectl get service prometheus-server assigns a public IP, you can visit the service at that IP, e.g. http://[public-ip]:9090. If the service appears to hang, the docker instance may have failed to start.

Check using:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                               READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
prometheus-server-2562116152-9mdrq   0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   9          25m

In this case, the READY status is "0", meaning not yet ready. And, the STATUS gives a clue that the docker instance is crashing immediately after start.

Viewing logs

If a docker instance is misbehaving, we can view the logs reported by that instance using kubectl logs. For example, in the case above, we can ask for the logs with the pod name.

$ kubectl logs prometheus-server-2562116152-9mdrq
time="2017-02-01T21:02:36Z" level=info msg="Starting prometheus (version=1.5.0, branch=master, revision=d840f2c400629a846b210cf58d65b9fbae0f1d5c)" source="main.go:75"
time="2017-02-01T21:02:36Z" level=info msg="Build context (go=go1.7.4, user=root@a04ed5b536e3, date=20170123-13:56:24)" source="main.go:76"
time="2017-02-01T21:02:36Z" level=info msg="Loading configuration file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml" source="main.go:248"
time="2017-02-01T21:02:36Z" level=error msg="Error loading config: couldn't load configuration (-config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml): yaml: line 2: mapping values are not allowed in this context" source="main.go:150"

Viewing events

Kubernetes events are also an good source of recent actions and their status. For example, if we tried to create the grafana deployment before defining the grafana-secrets secret, the pods would fail to start and the events would include a more specific error message.

$ kubectl get pods,events
NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
po/grafana-server-1476781881-fhr5z      0/1       RunContainerError   0          6m

LASTSEEN   FIRSTSEEN   COUNT     NAME                                 KIND      SUBOBJECT                         TYPE      REASON       SOURCE                                                    MESSAGE
55s        7m          29        ev/grafana-server-1476781881-fhr5z   Pod                                         Warning   FailedSync   {kubelet gke-soltesz-test-2-default-pool-7151d92d-7dd5}   Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "grafana-server" with RunContainerError: "GenerateRunContainerOptions: secrets \"grafana-secrets\" not found"


Prometheus configuration tweaks

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Language:Shell 90.1%Language:Python 5.6%Language:Go 4.3%