jhedev / tf-ssh-bastion

Creates an SSH bastion with fixed public IP, users and SSH keys

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SSH bastion

This module creates a flexible and highly available SSH bastion with a fixed public IP address. This includes adding users, group, SSH keys and sudo config to give you a simple but complete SSH gateway into your AWS infrastructure without the need for a configuration management system. This module creates an autoscaling group, security groups, IAM policy, elastic IP and user-data to automatically assign the elastic IP and setup users and keys.

module "bastion1" {
  source                  = "git@github.com:deliveryhero/tf-ssh-bastion.git?ref=0.2"
  name                    = "staging"
  vpc_id                  = "vpc123456"
  instance_key_name       = "my-ec2-key"
  public_subnet_ids       = ["${module.vpc1.public_subnets}"]

  allowed_ssh_cidr_blocks = [

  users = [
      username = "max"
      group    = "ubuntu"
      key      = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDez8.."
      username = "phil"
      group    = "sudo"
      key      = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDez8.."

See example for a complete example with VPC.

Documentation generation

Documentation should be modified within main.tf and generated using terraform-docs:

terraform-docs --with-aggregate-type-defaults md ./ > README.md


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_ssh_cidr_blocks CIDR blocks to allow SSH from. Should be set to your trusted IP or IP ranges list [ "" ] no
extra_iam_policy_arns List of extra IAM policy ARNs to attach to the bastion role list [] no
extra_sg_ids List of extra security group IDs for the bastion instance list [] no
extra_user_data Any extra user-data. Will be appended to existing string "" no
instance_ami_id AMI ID for bastion instance. If not specified, see instance_ami_default string "" no
instance_ami_name_filter The name filter to use for getting an AMI ID for the region string "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*" no
instance_ami_owner_id_filter The owner IDs to use for getting an AMI ID for the region. The default is the Ubuntu account ID. list [ "099720109477" ] no
instance_hostname Hostname for bastion instance. If not specified, local.resource_name will be used string "" no
instance_key_name Name of the SSH key in EC2 to use for instance string "" no
instance_type EC2 instance type string "t2.micro" no
instance_volume_size Instance EBS volume size string "32" no
name A unique name to identify this bastion and related resources string n/a yes
public_subnet_ids List of public subnets list n/a yes
resource_name_suffix A suffix to append to names of resources string "-bastion" no
route53_record_name Name of the route53 record. Only used if route53_zone_id is passed. If not set then name variable is used string "" no
route53_record_ttl TTL of route53 record. Only used if route53_zone_id is passed also string "60" no
route53_zone_id If specified a route53 record will be created string "" no
tags A map of tags to add to all resources. map {} no
users A list of maps of extra users containing usernames, keys and groups. See README for example list [] no
vpc_id The ID of the VPC where this bastion will exist string n/a yes


Name Description
allow_ssh_from_bastion_sg_id Put instances into this security group to allow SSH from the bastion
autoscaling_group_name Name of the autoscaling group
aws_iam_role_id Name of the bastion inance role
eip The elastic IP that is assigned to the bastion instance
role_arn ARN of the bastion instance role
sg_id The security group of the bastion instance
user_data_full The complete user-data from the bastion instance
user_data_users The useradd and SSH key setup part of the user-data from the bastion instance


Creates an SSH bastion with fixed public IP, users and SSH keys

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 86.3%Language:Shell 13.7%