jhagas / my-config

Nord Themed Config File for kitty, zsh, neovim, i3-gaps, i3status, newsboat, dunst, and Rofi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

my nord config

Nord Themed Config File for i3-gaps, dunst, rofi, Alacritty, kitty, Zsh, neovim, Spotify, and many more
Inspired by this amazing color pattern https://nordtheme.com/

Gnome/GTK/Kvantum Theme

Nordic: https://github.com/EliverLara/Nordic

GTK Icons Theme

Papirus: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme


  • First of all, clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/jhagas/my-config
cd my-config

Everything should be in place as in this git repo. Make sure $HOME/.local/bin/ is on $PATH

Chromium Startpage Install

  1. Open Extensions menu on Chromium
  2. Turn on developer mode
  3. Click "Load Unpacked"
  4. Find the startpage directory usually located in ~/my-config/startpage/

Spotify Theme Install

Make sure you already install Spicetify and have opened it before

cp -r Dribbliish ~/.config/spicetify/Themes/


cd "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Themes/Dribbblish"
mkdir -p ../../Extensions
cp dribbblish.js ../../Extensions/
spicetify config extensions dribbblish.js
spicetify config current_theme Dribbblish color_scheme nord-dark
spicetify config inject_css 1 replace_colors 1 overwrite_assets 1
spicetify apply


Nord Themed Config File for kitty, zsh, neovim, i3-gaps, i3status, newsboat, dunst, and Rofi

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:CSS 42.7%Language:JavaScript 29.6%Language:Shell 20.6%Language:Vim Script 4.5%Language:HTML 2.6%