jhaakenson / Data-Protocol-Haakenson

This dataset takes litter activity from 2016 in two counties in Washington State, King and Grant to compare and also compares voter turnout to correlate attitudes in voting turnout and littering behavior, as well as voting records by political party. The intended audience is researchers in public policy and or public health.

Repository from Github https://github.comjhaakenson/Data-Protocol-HaakensonRepository from Github https://github.comjhaakenson/Data-Protocol-Haakenson


This dataset takes litter activity from 2016 in two counties in Washington State, King and Grant to compare and also compares voter turnout to correlate attitudes in voting turnout and littering behavior, as well as voting records by political party. The intended audience is researchers in public policy and or public health.


This dataset takes litter activity from 2016 in two counties in Washington State, King and Grant to compare and also compares voter turnout to correlate attitudes in voting turnout and littering behavior, as well as voting records by political party. The intended audience is researchers in public policy and or public health.