jgw96 / voice-notes

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Welcome to the lit-element edition of the PWABuilder pwa-starter! Looking to build a new Progressive Web App and not sure where to get started? This is what you are looking for! The pwa-starter includes everything you need to start building a production ready PWA and follows all best practices. You get:

  • lazy-loaded routes using @vaadin/router.
  • A 100 on Lighthouse, giving you a great starting point for performance and accessibility.
  • Use lit-element to build your PWA. lit-element gives you all of the developer experience of React with all the benefits of Web Components such as smaller bundles for faster load times.
  • Includes the PWABuilder pwa-install component for an app store like PWA install experience.
  • Workbox for service workers along with the PWABuilder pwa-update component to give your PWA a great offline experience.

Getting Started


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

You should also be familiar with TypeScript which we use for this project. This helps give you more guidance as you code from intellisense when using VSCode.

Recommended Development setup

We recommend the following tools for your dev setup:


Run npm install and then run npm run dev, the starter should open in your default browser. From here you can start developing, your changes will be rebuilt and reloaded in the browser as you develop.

Building for Production

Make sure the index.prod.html and manifest.json files are updated to your liking and then run npm run build:prod, the dist/ folder will contain your built PWA. The production build will also generate a pre-caching service worker using Workbox and handles that service worker using the PWABuilder pwa-update component web component.

Deployment and Packaging


Once your PWA is ready to deploy we recommend Azure static site hosting for deploying your PWA.


Many app stores, including the Microsoft Store and the Google Play Store support PWAs. To package your PWA for deployment to these app stores head back to https://pwabuilder.com/, put in your URL and hit Build My PWA.

Folder Structure

│   README.md (docs)
│   rollup.config.js (bundler config https://rollupjs.org/)  
|   tsconfig.json (TypeScript config https://www.typescriptlang.org/)
|   pwabuilder-sw.js (Service Worker https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API)
|   package.json (https://docs.npmjs.com/creating-a-package-json-file)
|   package-lock.json (https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package-lock.json)
|   manifest.json (web manifest https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest)
|   index.prod.html (index.html file used for production builds)
|   index.html (index.html for dev builds)
|   *note*: The index.prod.html registers a service worker which caches assets, so index.html is used for dev builds
|   .gitignore (git config file https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore)
└───src (most of your development will happen here)
│   │   global.css (used for global CSS styles and CSS variables)
│   │
│   └───script
│       │
│       |
|       └───components
|           |   header.ts (header component)
|       |
|       |
|       └───pages
|           |   app-index.ts (app-index component)
|           |   app-home.ts (app-home component)
|           |   app-about.ts (app-about component)




Language:TypeScript 82.5%Language:HTML 11.7%Language:JavaScript 4.6%Language:CSS 1.3%