jgosier / RiverID

RiverID - distributed reputation

Home Page:http://swiftly.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

# dependencies

	# database:
	mongodb (download from mongodb.org the stable version)
		quickstart: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Quickstart+OS+X

	# python stuff:
	python 2.6+ (if python 2.5, please install simplejson)
	django 1.2+
	pymongo 1.7+
	(can use "easy_install package_name" for easy installation )

	other dependencies are loaded at runtime and can be found in
	~apps and ~libs directories

	above dependencies can be downloaded and safely put in 
	~libs directory

# running django dev server

	# settings.py:
	if mongodb has username and password
	update "mongoengine.connect()" in settings.py
	# run django as standard:

	Please note that mongodb must be running before django
	type 'mongod' in terminal
	cd into riverid folder
	type 'python manage.py runserver'
	RiverID then is running at
# fishing for fun

	to add initial data:
	go to (only if there is no user)
	then login with user/user or admin/admin or dev/dev (username/password)
	to clear data:
	go to (need admin access)
# testing oauth

	cd into riverid folder
	type 'python oauth_client.py'
	just following prompts in the terminal
	in oauth_client.py API key and secret are preconfigured based on
	the initial key added in by "feeding fish"
	if you want to test with other combinations, please change accordingly
# dev notes

	search for #m instances for modificaitons, to-dos and notes
# thanks tons to 
	Harry Marr (http://hmarr.com) of MongoEngine and for great base layout
	Jesper Noehr (http://noehr.org/) of Django Piston
	Django Team
	MongoDB Team
	Ushahidi, Swift & Google for this opportunity
	my eldest youngest sister and my parents


RiverID - distributed reputation
