jgnooo / large-FOV-integral-imaging-pickup

Large field-of-view integral imaging pickup system

Repository from Github https://github.comjgnooo/large-FOV-integral-imaging-pickupRepository from Github https://github.comjgnooo/large-FOV-integral-imaging-pickup

Large Field-of-View Integral Imaging Pickup System

Python implementation of large field-of-view integral imaging pickup system.

“Computational large field-of-view RGB-D integral imaging system”, Sensors, November 2021
Download paper : Computational large field-of-view RGB-D integral imaging system

In this system, use the code Computational integral imaging pickup system


Pre-trained monocular depth estimation model


  • Download depth estimation model file.
    • Go to the link above, and download model.
    • Locate file at monodepth or /your/own/path/.
  • Prepare the input image.
    • Locate the input color image to inputs directory or /your/own/path/.
  • Start large FOV integral imaging pickup system.
    python main.py \
        --color_path ./inputs/image_file_name or /your/own/path/ \
        --output_path ./results or /your/own/path/ \
        --model_path ./monodepth/model.h5 or /your/own/path/ \

Results of our system

  • Sub-aperture Image Array

To-Do List

  • Update codes (Depth sub-aperture images).


Large field-of-view integral imaging pickup system


Language:Python 100.0%