Jad Maalouf's repositories


The modules are designed to give us a solid foundation in C++ programming. Covering topics such as algorithms, data structures, object-oriented programming, and software engineering practices.



A fractal rendering project that allows the user to generate and display fractals using the command line. The user can specify the type of fractal they want to generate, and the program will use mathematical algorithms to create the fractal and display it on the screen



This project is an exercise in recreating the printf function, one of the most widely used function in the C library, in order to understand how the printf function works and the basic concepts of variable arguments and the use of different types and conversions in C.



This project is an exercise in creating a function that can read a file line by line. It is designed to help us understand and implement file reading, memory allocation and management, and basic parsing techniques in C. We also have to handle multiple file descriptor in the same time and work with static variables



This project is designed to help us understand and create our own C library functions, which are basic building blocks for programming in C



A project that involves creating a basic shell program in the C programming language. The goal is to replicate the functionality of a standard shell, such as the ability to execute commands, handle input and output redirection, and handle errors. The project requires a good understanding of system calls and process management in C.



A project that simulates the Dining Philosophers problem using the pthreads library in C. It is a classic example of a concurrency problem. This project requires a good understanding of threading and synchronization in C.



An algorithm project that aims to sort a given stack of integers using a set of limited commands. The stack is represented by a linked list, and the commands are used to manipulate the stack in order to sort it. The goal of the project is to sort the stack in the fewest number of commands possible.



A Unix command-line utility that allows the user to execute a command pipeline, where the output of one command is passed as the input to another. It is similar to the "pipe" command in Unix, with the added feature of allowing the user to redirect the input and output of commands in the pipeline.
